
Dodger Stadium gondola project supporters win in court – Daily News

Dodger Stadium gondola project supporters win in court – Daily News

LOS ANGELES – A judge on Monday, Aug. 12, dismissed a lawsuit filed by opponents of the zero-emissions gondola project from Dodger Stadium to Union Station. The plaintiffs had challenged the lawsuit on the grounds that the environmental impact assessment was inadequate.

The ruling by Judge Maurice A. Leiter of the Los Angeles Superior Court comes as Los Angeles turns its attention to the 2028 Olympics and the region seeks to host “car-free” games. Zero Emission Transit and other cable car supporters say the project will create the first permanent public transit link connecting Dodger Stadium to the broader Los Angeles transit system.

The project is scheduled to be completed before the 2028 Olympics. The Los Angeles Parks Alliance filed a petition on March 25 challenging the environmental review of the project.

“Today’s ruling – the third of three rulings by a judge in favor of the project – underscores the far-reaching benefits of the gondola project to the community, the transportation system and our environment,” said Nathan Click, spokesman for Zero Emission Transit.

The LA Parks Alliance, which consists of several community-based organizations such as Friends of the LA River, Clockshop, Anahuak Youth Sports Association, Chinatown Community for Economic Development and LA River State Park Partners, had argued in court that the environmental impact study was piecemeal and did not take into account potential harm to a vast area of ​​communities and green spaces in northeast Los Angeles County.

“The court’s decision against the LA Parks Alliance and in favor of Frank McCourt’s pet gondola project is alarming. We are determined to exhaust all legal means to prevent this gondola project from being realized, including filing an appeal,” said Jon Christensen, one of the founders of the LA Parks Alliance.

The gondola project recently received unanimous approval from the Los Angeles County Metro Board of Directors to complete an environmental review and move forward with the project. A recent poll of Los Angeles County residents found that 72% support the project.

According to Zero Emission, the gondola would operate emission-free and would be the first gondola lift system with a battery-powered emergency generator. In addition, the approved environmental study of the project found that over 150,000 tons of greenhouse gases could be saved over the life of the project.

The gondola ride would be free to anyone with a ticket to a Dodger game and would also provide local benefits to area residents and workers through the Community Access Program: residents and employees of businesses near the project could use the gondola and transfer to the regional transit system and take the Metro at no additional cost.

“This is exactly the kind of zero-emissions transportation project we need more of in Los Angeles to connect a major venue and park to the regional transit system,” said Suja Lowenthal, chair of Zero Emission Transit. “This project will provide benefits to all LA residents, but especially to local residents.”

The LA Parks group had argued in letters to Metro and at demonstrations against the project that it would be a visual blemish for many communities who would have to endure steel columns holding gondolas on wires in their neighborhoods. The group objected to a tower in LA State Historic Park because it would take away green space and hinder activities such as kite flying.

“We will not stand by and allow Frank McCourt’s gondola project to cause irreparable harm to El Pueblo de Los Angeles Historical Monument, Union Station, Chinatown, LA State Historic Park and the surrounding communities,” Christensen added.

Nearly 15,000 individuals and over 400 businesses in Chinatown, El Pueblo and Lincoln Heights have pledged their support for the project, which also has the support of unions, businesses and environmental activists.

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