
All politicians should put our democracy first

All politicians should put our democracy first

Since the beginning of our Republic, those who serve our country in uniform have put their lives on the line for what we believe in, including our system of government. At this most important time in our country’s history, our veterans are ready to do so again.

The future of American democracy is in danger. Political divisions are growing and threats of political violence are increasing. They have reached their peak with the assassination of former President Donald Trump. Despite hopes that the horrific event would reorient our discourse, the almost immediate return to dangerous rhetoric is deeply disturbing.

This cannot continue. For a democracy to work, all citizens must understand, accept and respect the principles underlying free and fair elections and representative government. One important point is to condemn threats or attempts to incite violence against political opponents or our fellow citizens who volunteer to help as poll workers on election day.

Now is the time to stand up for them.

Americans, veterans and non-veterans alike, regardless of political affiliation, must mobilize together to protect our democracy. That’s why Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA), a 425,000-member community representing post-9/11 veterans, and democracyFIRST, a bipartisan organization dedicated to preserving the future of free and fair elections, are working together in the lead-up to the 2024 election to call on our fellow citizens to reaffirm their commitment to what we have here in America by taking the “democracyFIRST pledge.”

The pledge calls on all candidates and elected officials to publicly commit to our nonpartisan, pro-democratic principles. It calls on politicians to put our country, our republic and our democracy above party.

Not surprisingly, some of the first members of Congress to make this commitment were veterans.

This year, over 100 elected officials from both parties at the county, state, and congressional levels across Michigan have taken the democracyFIRST pledge. A broad coalition of community leaders and former elected officials also signed their support for the project.

Together, democracyFIRST and IAVA will host public events and conversations in states like Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin to engage local veterans and their civilian neighbors and encourage them to take the democracyFIRST pledge and join the fight to preserve our democracy. We’re launching our first public events in East Lansing and Plymouth. We’re organizing programs with elected officials, American historians and scholars, and veterans to educate the public about what’s at stake when politicians undermine the core principles of our democracy.

Our country faces a defining moment, and we must unite in reaffirming our commitment to protecting our system of government. Led by the veterans who risked their lives to protect America, it is up to our fellow Americans to follow their example. The future of our democracy depends on it.

Jordan Wood is the executive director of democracyFIRST and previously served as chief of staff to a member of Congress. Allison Jaslow is a former Army captain who served twice in Iraq and is the executive director of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America.

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