
Families use location sharing apps to manage schedules

Families use location sharing apps to manage schedules

Ignoring calls and texts, not telling you where you are, and keeping your room untidy are some of the things that annoy children the most.

A survey of 1,000 mothers and fathers with children aged between 11 and 17 found that many of them are driven crazy when their offspring do not tell them what they are planning to do after school.

Other parents have to admit that their children forget to charge their phones or come home later than planned after school.

With the start of the new school year just around the corner, 54% of parents said they feel stressed.

Three quarters admit that their children only want to think about the new school year at the last minute – which causes additional frustration for mothers and fathers alike.

To counteract this, 40% are using alternative technologies such as location-sharing apps to reduce stress and frustration and better coordinate busy family schedules.

The research was commissioned by Life360, a family reunification and safety company working with podcaster and mother Luisa Zissman, as parents try to coordinate the chaos of family life and reduce stress in the period leading up to the school holidays.

Luisa said: “The back to school period can be very stressful trying to coordinate the family’s busy schedule. It can be even more difficult when my daughter is doing her own things and not answering calls or texts or telling me what she’s up to after school.

She added: “I’ve found that giving her the freedom she craves while staying connected through technology and devices really helps both of us.”

“Knowing where she is without having to constantly chase her for updates has made our daily life much more relaxed and helped me better coordinate our family’s busy schedule.

“It’s reassuring to know exactly when she’s on her way home or to a friend’s house. This certainty allows us to handle the chaos of starting school with much less stress.”

Parents send an average of five texts per week to inquire about their children’s whereabouts – with 59% of these messages sometimes ignored – and another four weekly texts to find out when they will be home.

When asked why they use location sharing apps with their children, 56% of parents surveyed via OnePoll said it gives them peace of mind.

Three in ten (28%) said seeing their children where they wanted to be helped build confidence, and 13% said it helped them manage the family’s busy schedule.

David Rice, International General Manager at Life360, added: “The back-to-school period is stressful enough for parents and children without having to constantly run after each other to keep up to date with each other’s whereabouts.

“By making sure the whole family is always up to date, parents and children can reduce some of that anxiety and navigate through the chaos with a little more confidence.”

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