
Without the filibuster, Kamala Harris would be the most radical and partisan president of all time

Without the filibuster, Kamala Harris would be the most radical and partisan president of all time

Vice President Kamala Harris wants her independent voters to believe that she will govern in a centrist and bipartisan manner, but the most radical and partisan members of her party are openly admitting that they want to end the filibuster in the Senate so they can push through a radical left agenda without getting a single Republican vote.

“I know there are people watching tonight with different political views,” Harris said in her nomination acceptance speech last week. “And I want you to know: I promise to be a president for all Americans.” The night before, Oprah Winfrey said in her prime-time speech that Harris was the better candidate for “independents and undecideds,” in other words those who want moderation rather than radicalism.

With such blatant falsehoods, Democrats tried and continue to try to deceive voters with fabricated and poll-verified claims, piling up one lie after another about the party of the left’s agenda.

At smaller panel discussions, other Democrats assured radical left activists that a Harris victory would enable them to push through a radical program that would fundamentally upset the balance of powers and thus destroy our country’s constitution.

At an event hosted by the left-leaning Brennan Center for Justice, an organization responsible for ensuring violent criminals are released without bail, Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-Rhode Island) said Senate Democrats would “virtually be certain” to pass a Supreme Court term limits bill with a simple majority if Harris becomes president.

Democrats have passed partisan, far-left legislation without Republicans voting for it before. Harris was the 51st vote for President Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion, inflation-fueling stimulus package, which Harris wanted to double to $4 trillion.

The bill passed through a legislative process called “reconciliation,” governed by arcane rules that limit the issues that can be included. Democrats still need Republican votes to reach the 60-vote threshold to overcome a filibuster and pass legislation on non-financial issues like election integrity, abortion or amnesty for illegal immigrants. They have even tried to pass legislation making voter ID laws illegal nationwide, which was one of Harris’ top priorities as vice president.

Democrats even tried to change the Senate rules so they could pass their voter ID ban with just 50 votes, but luckily they were stopped by Senators Joe Manchin (I-WV) and Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ). Manchin and Sinema were Democrats when they cast those votes, but they have since been pushed out of the party. If Democrats can hold Montana and Ohio, they will have 50 seats. Manchin and Sinema will be gone. In a Harris administration, Vice President Tim Walz would cast the 51st vote to end the filibuster.

Once the filibuster is gone, Democrats will not hesitate to exploit the tyranny of the majority to push through radical bills on a wide range of issues. It would be foolish to think they would limit the filibuster tactic to just banning voter ID.

“We don’t want to give Republicans multiple delaying tactics and multiple filibusters on this issue, so the bill that gets around the filibuster will almost certainly include permanent reproductive rights, permanent restoration of voting rights, elimination of billionaire corrupt dark money and Supreme Court reform,” Whitehouse said last week. “If you can move a bill like this forward, it will have spectacular tailwinds.”

Once Democrats end the filibuster tactic on abortion and unconstitutional term limits on the Supreme Court, they will end the technique for everything else.

Harris has never compromised for a single Republican vote in her entire political career. All of the elections she has won have been in heavily Democratic districts where Republican votes are irrelevant. As a senator, she has not co-sponsored a major bipartisan bill and has amassed a voting record that is more left-wing than any other member of the upper chamber. She does not have a single centrist streak in her.


If Harris wins the White House and Democrats retain the Senate majority, America will face the most partisan and radical left-wing administration in its history. Abortion will be legalized nationwide up until birth, despite a majority of citizens rejecting this barbarism. Illegal immigrants will be able to vote without a voter ID. Energy prices will skyrocket as the Green New Deal restricts investment and fossil fuel production. And housing and infrastructure construction costs will skyrocket because Harris will demand an “environmental justice” review every time.

If you want to know what America would look like under Harris, imagine California without its stunning scenery and perfect weather. There’s a reason people have been fleeing California for decades: the Democratic Party’s radical policies have made the state increasingly unaffordable. A Harris administration and a Democratic Senate would extend that nightmare to every state.

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