
When will Nova Eye Medical Limited (ASX:EYE) make a profit?

When will Nova Eye Medical Limited (ASX:EYE) make a profit?

Since the company may have reached an important milestone, we wanted to take a closer look Nova Eye Medical Limited (ASX:EYE) Future Prospects. Nova Eye Medical Limited designs, develops, manufactures, markets and sells surgical devices for the treatment of glaucoma in Australia, the United States, Europe, Asia Pacific and internationally. The company, with a market capitalization of AU$54 million, announced a loss of AU$8.8 million for its most recent financial year on June 30, 2024. Since the path to profitability is the topic that concerns Nova Eye Medical investors, we decided to gauge the market sentiment. We have put together a brief overview of industry analysts’ expectations for the company, its break-even year and its implied growth rate.

Check out our latest analysis for Nova Eye Medical

According to the two analysts at Australian Medical Equipment, Nova Eye Medical is close to breaking even. They expect the company to report a final loss in 2025 before turning a profit of AU$2.8 million in 2026. The company is therefore expected to break even in about 2 years. To meet this break-even date, we calculated the rate at which the company needs to grow year-on-year. It turns out that a compound annual growth rate of 120% is expected, which is extremely dynamic. If the company grows more slowly, it will become profitable at a later date than expected.

Earnings per share growthEarnings per share growth

Earnings per share growth

Since this is a high-level overview, we won’t go into detail about Nova Eye Medical’s upcoming projects, but keep in mind that a high projected growth rate is generally not unusual for a company currently in an investment phase.

Before we conclude, there is one more aspect worth mentioning. Nova Eye Medical currently has no debt on its balance sheet, which is unusual for a loss-making growth company that typically has high debt relative to its equity. The company currently operates entirely on shareholder funds and has no debt obligations, which reduces worries about repayments and makes it a less risky investment.

Next Steps:

There are important fundamentals of Nova Eye Medical that are not covered in this article, but we must reiterate that this is merely a basic overview. For a more comprehensive look at Nova Eye Medical, check out Nova Eye Medical’s company page on Simply Wall St. We’ve also compiled a list of essential aspects to consider:

  1. Evaluation: What is Nova Eye Medical worth today? Is future growth potential already factored into the price? The intrinsic value infographic in our free research report helps visualize whether Nova Eye Medical is currently mispriced by the market.

  2. Management Team: Having an experienced management team at the top gives us confidence in the company – see who sits on Nova Eye Medical’s board of directors and the CEO’s background.

  3. Other high-performing stocks: Are there other stocks with better prospects and proven track records? Discover our free list of these great stocks here.

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