
WATCH: Brevard inmate’s work team members help authorities find ‘garbage bandit’ raccoon

WATCH: Brevard inmate’s work team members help authorities find ‘garbage bandit’ raccoon

VIDEO ABOVE: This weekend we had a special edition of our Fugitive Hunt where we searched for the Trash Bandit who had eluded rescuers for days. This guy was so good that I had to send out an exclusive team to help find the culprit!

BREVARD COUNTY, FLORIDA – This weekend we had a special edition of our Fugitive Hunt, searching for the Trash Bandit who eluded rescuers for days. This guy was so good I had to send out an exclusive team to find him!

After hearing about the raccoon in Palm Bay that gave a whole new meaning to the term “getting caught with your hand in the cookie jar” by getting his entire head stuck in it, I knew we had to try to help!

The amazing team at Wild Florida Rescue and other organizations like Erica Peel, Island Dog K9 and Wildlife Rescue, Lauren and two ladies from BARK worked tirelessly for hours every day, into the dark of night for days trying to catch him, but to no avail!

Since our specialty is chasing fugitives, I rounded up some members of the BCSO team and our top secret search party and we headed out on Friday afternoon to assist in the effort.

Our forensics team was able to assist us in searching with the drone while our team members entered the forest and Wild Florida Rescue staff and volunteers secured the perimeter in hopes of catching the man while we flushed him out.

After not seeing him for several hours, we took a break, got our Top Secret Search Crew, or Inmate Work Crew as they are more commonly called, some delicious cheeseburgers, fries and shakes from McDonalds and regrouped after about an hour to wait for nightfall!!

As our team returned to the scene and waited for the rest of the group, we caught our first glimpse of the bandit, who, as if nothing had happened, emerged from the forest in life size with a huge jar on his head and headed towards a garbage can!WATCH: Brevard inmate’s work team members help authorities find ‘garbage bandit’ raccoon

Our team quickly surrounded the area, or so we thought, and followed him back into the woods where we learned just how fast he was!!

I think everyone who was there almost got their hands on him at some point, but he crawled under some branches and scurried into the woods across the street!! And yes, before you say anything… he escaped with a giant jar on his head.

Our team stayed for a while, but even with flashlights and organized searches, we were unable to catch him, even after a few more sightings. So our team called it a day, while the wonderful volunteers from Wild Florida Rescue stayed to continue their efforts.

Although we were unable to capture him ourselves, we were overjoyed to hear yesterday that Wild Florida Rescue and volunteers from other organizations finally captured our little friend last night, successfully removed the glass from his head, and medically examined him!!

I want to thank the members of our Inmate Work Crew for all their efforts!! These guys did not give up trying to catch this furry little criminal and really underlined the phrase “It takes a community to protect a community!” In fact, everyone on the crew asked if they could stay longer or even be brought back the next day to help a helpless animal in need!!

Also, a huge “thank you” to our crime scene team, media production team, community relations team, and the many volunteers who helped with this rescue mission for doing everything you could to bring this guy to justice!! Of course, we now know why none of you are in the Fugitive Unit, but you are still amazing to me and our community!!

And of course a huge thank you to Wild Florida Rescue who work so much with us to help animals in need, for the compassion you show for animals day in and day out!!

– Sheriff Wayne Ivey

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