
Women who exercise say they are not “strong enough”

Women who exercise say they are not “strong enough”

A third of women would like to do more sport than before – but fitness, lack of time and costs prevent them from doing so.

A survey of 1,041 women found that other deterrents included feeling like they weren’t fast or strong enough, or fearing they didn’t fit in.

However, women are not deterred from trying something new: 77% are interested in trying sports that are traditionally considered male-dominated.

Golf is considered one of the least male-associated sports in a list of major sports that also includes football and rugby. Only swimming and cycling are considered more female-friendly.

The research was commissioned by England Golf to raise awareness of ‘Get into Golf’ week from Monday 26 August to Sunday 1 September.

A spokesman said: “The research has shown that women would like to take part in more sporting activities than they currently do.

“It was interesting to look at some of the things that prevent them from participating, as many of them are related to sports that perhaps require more physical exertion than, for example, golf.

“But there is definitely a desire to get out there and try something new, and that’s great to see.”

It also showed that 57% tried mini golf, 37% also played pitch & putt – and 19% played 18 holes.

The main reasons for doing it for those who did it were the fact that it was a social activity, encouragement from others and a desire to enjoy the outdoors. And 53% said they enjoyed the experience, according to OnePoll data.

The idea of ​​going with friends, the lower cost of things like memberships and lessons, and the fact that you can go with family would encourage all respondents to play more often, and a third believe that more women play today than five years ago.

A Get into Golf spokesperson added: “Golf is one of those sports that people might think is only suitable for a certain type of person – but that’s simply not the case.

“It’s a sport that’s open to both sexes and can be as affordable or expensive as you want, like most things in life.

“We hope that Get into Golf Week will help encourage more women to take up the sport and reap the mental and physical health benefits it can bring.”

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