
Week of August 26, 2024

Week of August 26, 2024

Welcome to the first full week of Virgo season! The detail-oriented energy of this meticulous earth sign is perfect for helping you organize your finances. And with Mercury retrograde coming to an end on Wednesday, you’ll also find it easier to move forward on professional projects. It’s time to get the ball rolling.

If you need a little cosmic foresight when dealing with work and finances, I’ve pulled some cards for your Money Tarot spread that can guide you in the coming week.

Card 1: What do you need to know about your finances this week?

The Tarot Card The Chariot

When it comes to money, it can be easy to feel like you’re at the mercy of circumstances – and in most cases, that’s true. But this week, The Chariot is here to remind you that you’re in control of your financial situation and can steer things in the direction you want. Now is the time to take charge of your financial life, whether that means scheduling a meeting with your boss to discuss a raise, sending out resumes for a side job, or setting aside an evening to budget for the next few months.

Like the person driving the cart on the card, you have influence over what is happening in your bank account right now, even if some factors are outside of your control. Focus your willpower, mind, and confidence on moving money and taking the lead. Once you realize you are in control, you will feel much stronger and more capable.

Card 2: How can you reduce your worries about money?

Tarot Card Seven of Coins

Unfortunately, money doesn’t grow on trees. If it did, it probably wouldn’t be the source of so much worry for people. But like a plant or any living thing, your financial and professional investments will grow if you nurture them with care and attention. The Seven of Pentacles is all about patience as you wait for your hard work to pay off. Because the tangible results of your work – whether it’s the small amounts transferred to your savings account each month or the extra hours you put in at the office – don’t always come overnight. But that doesn’t mean they won’t come!

Quick fixes are exciting but rare, and this card reminds you that the most reliable way to feel more financially secure is to make a more sustained effort over a longer period of time. This could be a good time to think about long-term solutions to financial problems, such as joining a training program for a new career path or starting a debt payment plan. Continue to tend to your metaphorical plants and sow those financial seeds, and trust that you will soon reap the fruits of your labor.

Card 3: What impact will your career have this week?

Tarot card The Lovers

The Lovers probably isn’t the first card that springs to mind when you think of work, but this week its themes of connection, communication, and collaboration loom large. When dealing with career matters this week, you may need to lead more with your heart than your head, as the Lovers are very in tune with their feelings and the general mood around them. Share your thoughts with your professional colleagues, and consider collaborating with others on your projects or brainstorming sessions. A joint business venture could also be a good sign this week.

This card also indicates that you need to make some decisions at work, and you should consider the people around you. Perhaps that means consulting with colleagues so you can make decisions together, or choosing an option that promotes more synergy within your team rather than individual gain.

Nina Kahn is Bustle’s resident astrologer and tarot card reader.

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