
Amazon employee claims to get Rs 3 crore without working for it, says he joined the company to get free money

Amazon employee claims to get Rs 3 crore without working for it, says he joined the company to get free money

pay because simply existing is a dream that almost every working person has from time to time. And this thought is even more common on a Monday morning when you have to get up and go to work after a really fun weekend. But what if we told you that a Amazon employees claims to get over 370,000 USD (approximately 3 crore rupees) per year despite doing absolutely nothing?

According to a post on an anonymous platform Blinda Amazon The employee admitted that he is getting around Rs 3 crore for doing nothing. The employee added that this is all part of a plan and that he joined the company with the sole intention of doing nothing and getting placed on a PIP (Performance Improvement Plan).

Amazon employee claims to be paid to do nothing

Blind is a platform where professionals can come together and share their candid workplace experiences anonymously. Users can also comment and respond to others’ posts. One particular post has garnered attention on the platform, in which a Senior Technical Program Manager at Amazon admitted that despite putting in minimal effort during his time at the tech giant, he earns a hefty salary of $370,000 per year.

The employee, who has been with Amazon for a year and a half, told his story with surprising transparency. They revealed that after his dismissal from Googlethey came to Amazon with the conscious intention of doing as little work as possible while still earning a substantial salary. The strategy, according to the employee, was to do the bare minimum to avoid any misunderstandings with his superiors.

“I joined Amazon 1.5 years ago after being laid off from Google,” the employee wrote on Blind. “My goal was simple: do nothing, collect a salary, and eventually get put on a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP),” he confessed.

According to the post, during the employee’s tenure at Amazon, only seven support tickets were handled and a single automated dashboard was created. The employee also admitted that the dashboard, which he said took three months to develop, was actually created using ChatGPT in just three days.

The confession, which has since gone viral, has sparked a wave of reactions on social media. A screenshot of the post, shared on X by a user named Anpaurequickly gained traction and sparked a heated debate among Internet users.

Some people have expressed their outrage, arguing that the employee’s behavior is unfair to his hard-working colleagues who are genuinely doing their jobs. “This kind of behavior is a slap in the face to those who are really trying hard,” one user commented.

However, others have pointed out that this situation could be indicative of a larger problem within corporate structures. “This isn’t just about an employee gaming the system; it’s indicative of the inefficiency and lack of control within large organizations,” argued another user.

The meta employee who was paid to do nothing

This is not the first time an employee has claimed to have done nothing and still been paid. There have been numerous such cases in the past.

For example, in March of this year, a former Meta recruiter revealed in a viral TikTok video that she was making $190,000 a year despite doing virtually nothing for the company for six months.

She had explained that even though she was hired as a recruiter, she and her colleagues were expected to hire someone during that time, so they had little to do. Machado noted that she spent most of her time at Meta on training, as the company was very careful about its learning process.

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