
WATCH: Lancaster schoolchildren create powerful new music video about climate change

WATCH: Lancaster schoolchildren create powerful new music video about climate change

WATCH: Lancaster schoolchildren create powerful new music video about climate change
Students from Bowerham Primary School perform at Dalton Square

Children at a primary school in Lancaster have created a powerful music video expressing their feelings about climate change.

Pupils at Bowerham Primary School worked with musicians from More Music over the summer term to create the video, featuring new songs, lyrics and posters expressing their feelings about the environment.

The video documents her recent impromptu performance in Dalton Square in front of Lancaster City Hall in front of an audience that included the Mayor of Lancaster.

It contains lyrics from 6th grade students, including:

“It’s time to stand up and make a change. The fact that we are helpless feels so strange. It’s time to wake up. It’s time to get involved. Seeing what’s happening fills me with anger.”

Lyrics by Year 6 students at Bowerham School, May 2024

WATCH the video below.

Cellist/composer Maja Bugge and songwriter/producer Leroy Lupton of More Music worked with two sixth form students and members of the school’s Eco and Arts Council to compose the songs and produce the video, which was filmed by Rick Middleton of the Morecambe-based music charity.

The project, called “Reconnect,” culminated in June with a live flash mob in Dalton Square in front of Lancaster Town Hall, where the local city council is based.

In the shadow of the town hall, the children performed their songs in front of an audience of parents and passers-by.

The Mayor of Lancaster, Councillor Abi Mills, was also present at the performance.

The children wrote letters expressing their concerns and hopes for the future and handed them over personally at the town hall.

Nick Haughton, a teacher at Bowerham School, said: “It was really exciting to see how positively the children engaged with the project.

“It was so impressive to see Maja and Leroy at work, developing the children’s ideas and working with them to put them into practice. Having the opportunity to be part of this unique project was very special for us and our children. They absolutely loved every minute of it and created some very special memories.

“It is also important to consider the legacy that has been left behind, giving voice to the voices of our younger generations in particular, who want to bring about change for the future of our planet.”

The idea behind Reconnect, funded by Lancashire Music Hub, is for musicians and students to work together over five sessions to develop a unique musical and visual response to children’s feelings about climate change.

During the course of the project, the children developed song lyrics together with Maja and Leroy, contributed musical ideas using instruments and created banners for their live performances.

Maja said: “One of the highlights for me was seeing how both myself, Leroy and the children were inspired to think about actions we could take in response to the climate emergency.

“I also really enjoyed having so many fantastic instrumentalists (guitarists, violinists, pianists) and singers taking lessons at the school and getting the chance to explore their instruments in a new creative environment.”

Leroy said: “It was inspiring to see so many young people getting involved in such an important issue. Using songwriting and music production to address politics, economics and activism was a fun and creative approach that gave the children agency and a way to have their ideas heard.

“Bowerham School have been fantastic throughout the project and I have been amazed at how many children have already been part of their ‘Eco Council’ group, which meets at lunchtime and actively thinks about how their school and community can become more environmentally friendly.”

Darren Leadsom, Project Manager at More Music, said: “The children and our musicians, along with music and lyrics, have created a very powerful video that clearly shows their passion for this issue and the changes they want to see in the future. It’s fantastic that we can use music to inspire children to respond creatively to the issues of climate change and get their message across so effectively.”

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