
Local author addresses education crisis

Local author addresses education crisis

Local author addresses education crisis

The alarmingly high school dropout rate in Zimbabwe inspired Muganu to write this book.

Local author Kudakwashe Muganu recently published his second book titled “Who Doesn’t Want to Drop Out of School?” which addresses the critical issue of education in the country.

The alarmingly high school dropout rate in Zimbabwe inspired Muganu to write this book.

“Young people’s desire to go to school is decreasing,” he said.

“They no longer appreciate the value of an education and are instead attracted by quick money.

“The result is that many children abuse drugs or alcohol, become parents in their teens, become involved in gang activities or engage in other harmful behavior.

“This leads to a considerable waste of childhood through unproductive activities with harmful consequences.”

Muganu emphasizes that the book is relevant to everyone as it covers different aspects of life.

“Learning is a lifelong process. As soon as we stop learning, our decline begins,” he said.

“Today, people acquire their knowledge through online platforms, newspapers and magazines. Formal schooling is not the only route to education.

“For example, a spouse who aspires to become a good cook in order to promote a happy family may be considered a student.

“By seeking out cookbooks, DVDs, online tutorials or mentoring, they actively participate in learning.”

While Muganu acknowledges the challenges associated with school, she also highlights its many benefits.

“Education promotes critical thinking, improves judgment and broadens horizons. Essentially, our external perception is a reflection of our internal knowledge,” he said.

Muganu admits that finding time to write despite his busy schedule was a challenge.

“I see challenges as opportunities for growth and learning. To overcome these, I adopted the strategy of writing at night because I realized how important effective time management is,” he said.

The author has developed resilience in dealing with negative criticism and sees constructive feedback as an opportunity for improvement.

Muganu’s first book, The Power of Wisdom, focuses on helping people navigate the challenges of life after Covid-19.

The widespread confusion and uncertainty resulting from the pandemic motivated him to write this book.

In recognition of his literary contributions, Muganu was awarded the Zimbabwe Achievers Award as Author of the Year 2023.

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