
Call on Senators and Representatives to immediately repeal the AUMF

Call on Senators and Representatives to immediately repeal the AUMF

There is little incentive to change anything until another crisis occurs. That is our shared history.

Years ago, in response to a threat of attack shrouded in misinformation, Congress moved swiftly to override the President’s leadership. There was a call for immediate action to authorize a military response to the September 11 attacks, transferring the checks and balances of Congressional decisions to the President to act in a time of perceived need.

This is not over yet. This has been used twenty or more times now to create the feeling of an endless war. And it goes on and on.

This weakened the authority of Congress, shifted decision-making processes, and, among other divisive changes, limited public participation in a government with checks and balances and unrestricted war powers.

This Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) must be repealed. It requires limiting the President’s actions and improving Congress’s ability to act.

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Beyond the war, there is a lot of collateral damage to human lives, the environment, attacked governments, the US economy, and our reputation. Immigration itself is a consequence of the insecurity caused by war.

We are not perceived as a nation of peace and gentle, non-violent conflict resolution; rather, we are seen as a nation that threatens violence and is contrary to our stated values.

It is time to repeal the AUMF and strengthen the United States through policies that encourage peaceful solutions to international problems. Please tell your Senators and Representatives that you support repealing the AUMF. Now.

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