
Man tries to headbutt corporal during traffic stop in Missoula

Man tries to headbutt corporal during traffic stop in Missoula

Missoula, MT (KGVO-AM News) – On August 16, 2024, at approximately 8:53 p.m., a Missoula County Sheriff’s Corporal was patrolling near Pulp Mill Road and Mullan Road. The Corporal noticed a white Nissan sedan parked on the side of the road with what appeared to be a man inside. The Corporal checked the license plate and determined it belonged to 45-year-old Charles Bergeron. The license plate was supposed to be from a red Lincoln Navigator.

The corporal followed the vehicle and watched as it crossed the bridge over the railroad tracks. At one point, the vehicle suddenly lurched to the left as it was about to strike a barrier. The vehicle also came very close to crossing the center line and was actually traveling on the dashed line of the center of the roadway. The vehicle then hit the center rumble strip and corrected slightly back to the right before immediately drifting left again and nearly striking the center line again.

The Corporal turned on his hazard lights and conducted a traffic stop. The Corporal made contact with the driver and immediately noticed that Bergeron’s eyes appeared bloodshot and watery. The Corporal informed Bergeron of the license plate issue and Bergeron explained that the license plate belonged to his other car, which was currently not drivable. The Corporal then noticed a bong in the back passenger floorboard that he recognized as being frequently used for smoking marijuana.

Bergeron admitted to smoking marijuana

The corporal then asked about the bong in the back seat and if Bergeron had smoked it. Bergeron responded, “Marijuana, yes,” while nodding his head up and down. The corporal asked how long ago that was and Bergeron said, “I don’t know, about an hour and a half ago.” The corporal then asked Bergeron to get out of the vehicle to perform the standardized sobriety tests.

When he arrived at the corporal’s patrol car, the corporal attempted to pat down Bergeron and ordered him to put his hands behind his back. The corporal attempted to pat down Bergeron because he had been informed by dispatch that Bergeron was known to carry concealed weapons and that he had taken police precautions. Bergeron tensed his body and tried to free his hands. The corporal then had to use more force to keep Bergeron under control, but Bergeron responded by continuing to pull away. The corporal pushed Bergeron against his bumper to gain control and called for backup on his radio.

The corporal had asked Bergeron several times to stop resisting, but Bergeron continued to resist and tried to pull his hands away. Eventually, Bergeron began to relax. The corporal then decided to handcuff Bergeron, which Bergeron resisted by pulling on his left arm.

While Bergeron was handcuffed, he began to escalate again, pulling from side to side and yelling at the corporal. The corporal attempted to put Bergeron in the back seat of his patrol car, but Bergeron violently kicked his legs and flailed. Other officers arrived and helped the corporal arrest Bergeron.

Probation officer demands search of vehicle

The corporal learned that Bergeron was on parole and contacted the parole officer on duty. The parole officer ordered the corporal to search Bergeron’s vehicle. During the search, they found a drinking straw, a folded piece of aluminum foil, and two fentanyl pills.

Bergeron agreed to provide a blood sample. On the way to the hospital, Bergeron continued to curse at the corporal and use profanity. Upon arrival at St. Patrick’s Hospital, Bergeron continued to scream and yell from the patrol car. As officers prepared to remove Bergeron, Bergeron slammed his head into the side window of the patrol car.

Hospital staff then advised that they wanted to keep Bergeron in the bay. The corporal opened the car door and when he asked Bergeron to get out, Bergeron immediately charged at him, nearly headbutting him in the side. At this point, Bergeron was extremely aggressive and had to be restrained in a restraint chair. While attempting to place Bergeron in the chair, Bergeron continued to thrash around and try to free himself while headbutting the corporal in the side several times.

READ MORE: Missoula News – Crime Reports

Bergeron was then taken to the Missoula County Detention Center. He is currently facing charges of attempted assault on a police officer, illegal possession of dangerous drugs, driving while intoxicated, and displaying a license plate associated with another vehicle. His bail was set at $75,000.

The information in this article was obtained from publicly available sources.

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Gallery Credit: Ashley

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