
Mothers are grateful for Safe Haven Baby Boxes when they had no one else

Mothers are grateful for Safe Haven Baby Boxes when they had no one else

(Gray News) – Safe Haven Baby Boxes are an invaluable resource for mothers who feel they have no other choice.

Founder Monica Kelsey started Safe Haven Baby Boxes after learning she was abandoned as a baby.

She saw a baby ward operating in a church in Cape Town, South Africa, and made it her mission to educate others about the Safe Haven Law and save the lives of innocent babies from abandonment.

“It gives me peace to walk with birth mothers because my birth mother had no one to walk by her side. She abandoned me as a baby and I have dedicated my life to providing parents with a safe alternative to what happened to me,” Kelsey said.

According to Kelsey, baby Amelia is the last baby to die due to abandonment in Indiana since the first box was installed in the state in April 2016.

According to Kelsey, baby Amelia is the last child to die due to abandonment in Indiana since …
According to Kelsey, baby Amelia is the latest child to die due to abandonment in Indiana since the first litter box was installed in April 2016.(Safe Haven Baby Boxes)

“I’m so proud of you. You could see that you loved him with everything you had. Thank you for protecting him. Thank you for trusting us to help you,” Kelsey told dozens of women who have turned to the Safe Haven Baby Boxes organization for help over the years.

Safe Haven Baby Boxes are invaluable to mothers in need

The importance of these boxes is demonstrated by a letter sent to the organization on behalf of a mother who gave up her child. It states:

“This may have saved a baby and now that I have had a personal experience of this, I appreciate everything you do even more. I wanted to pass this on. The mother who gave up the baby wanted us to thank you for giving her baby the chance at a healthy and happy life.”

“If you weren’t here, I wouldn’t know what to do,” said another mother, asking for news. “…If you hear any news about my little girl, please let me know.”

Another mother left a letter explaining, “I love her so much, but I can’t take care of her. I’m homeless right now and she deserves better. She deserves better.”

Although we may never know their stories and may not understand their decisions, these birth mothers are extremely grateful to have a safe place to entrust their newborn child after making one of the most difficult decisions of their lives.

“This is by far the hardest and most painful thing I have ever had to do,” said one mother.

These mothers choose to give their babies life, giving them the chance to live with a family who wants to adopt them.

Handing over an infant to a Safe Haven Baby Box

The baby boxes are located at fire departments in several states and have heating and cooling elements to provide comfort for the infant.

They are equipped with silent alarms that notify first responders as soon as a baby is placed in the box.

The baby boxes have heating and cooling elements to provide comfort to the infant and also…
The baby boxes feature heating and cooling elements to provide comfort to the infant, as well as silent alarms that notify first responders once a baby has been placed in the box.(Safe Haven Baby Boxes)

Infants can be dropped off anonymously at any Safe Haven box at any location. At least one mother drove for hours alone with her baby because no one knew she was pregnant.

“I stopped every hour to go in the backseat and hold him and feed/change him. I even took a picture of him because that was definitely hard. I will always remember his little tiny hands and toes and face,” she texted Kelsey.

“You don’t have to walk this path alone. I will always be here for you, as a voice and a shoulder to cry on,” Kelsey replied.

“I am so grateful for you and your services,” the mother replied.

Parents can leave important things for the baby in the box – blankets, a stuffed animal, a letter. Everything the baby has with them when it is handed over goes to the adoptive family.

“Her brother gave her his baby blanket. I really hope she can take it with her. It’s a sentimental moment,” one mother wrote to the organization.

Surrendered babies are typically adopted by a family within 30 to 45 days. Child welfare officials conduct interviews to find a permanent home for the newborn.

A healthy baby rescued from a Safe Haven Box is held by Monica Kelsey, surrounded by her …
Monica Kelsey holds a healthy baby rescued from a Safe Haven Box with her adoptive parents.(Safe Haven Baby Boxes)

“I have never met a family that has adopted a Safe Haven baby and not fallen in love, and the child is the greatest blessing,” Kelsey assured one mother.

“I’m so happy for her. It still hurts, but I promise I’ll cry more tears of joy,” the mother replied.

“This brings peace. I’m sure she’s with loving people who have been waiting for her… I’m so happy for her,” she added. “She deserves the world. I’m glad she has a family now. I’m so grateful she has a home. I feel like I can finally breathe.”

More than just a box

Safe Haven Baby Boxes provide the mother with free medical care and counseling if needed.

Counseling services are available according to the birth mother’s schedule and are conducted free of charge online via Zoom.

“I called the hotline lady and spoke to her for a few minutes. She really did a great job of talking to me when I really needed it,” one mother told Kelsey.

“She’s amazing! She speaks to a lot of women who use our baby boxes, but it’s all up to you,” Kelsey replied. “You can just rest assured that it’s available when you need it and it doesn’t cost you anything!”

If you need help finding a Safe Haven location or would like to speak with a licensed counselor, call the National Safe Haven Crisis Hotline at 1-866-99BABY1.

Women in need can contact the nationwide hotline around the clock and receive free advice and help.

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