
Input welcome at NRD meetings

Input welcome at NRD meetings


Dear Editor,
I am the Director of the Upper Big Blue Natural Resources District (UBB NRD). I would like to point out that all comments in this letter are my opinions only.
Last Thursday evening (8/15/2024), the UBB NRD held a budget hearing followed by the regular monthly board meeting. In attendance were approximately 30 citizens, most from Hamilton County and some from York County. This group included individuals running for the board in the upcoming general election.
One of the current directors told these citizens that they were wasting their time attending UBB NRD committee and board meetings. I strongly disagree with that statement. Citizens should always be welcome at our meetings. Over the past few months, as the Water Committee discussed updating rules regarding water quality and quantity, comments from the public have been very helpful to the direction the committee is moving. I would encourage anyone with comments or concerns to attend the committee or board meetings.
Remember that under the Nebraska Open Meetings Act, agenda changes must be made more than 24 hours before the meeting, but the chair will always allow time for public comment on items not on the agenda.
Dates and times for future meetings can be found on the UBB NRD website.
John Miller,

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