
The late actor wanted his dog to be euthanized and buried with him, but his family refused

The late actor wanted his dog to be euthanized and buried with him, but his family refused

French actor Alain Delon’s request to have his ten-year-old dog put down and buried with him was rejected. His family has commented on the matter.

On August 18, the highly acclaimed French actor died at the age of 88 in his house in Douchy, France.

Delon’s family announced his death in a statement seen by French media, saying the actor’s children “as well as Loubo (his dog) are deeply saddened to announce the death of their father.”

Alain Delon has died at the age of 88. (Archive photos/Getty Images)

Alain Delon has died at the age of 88. (Archive photos/Getty Images)

The statement continued: “He passed away peacefully in his home in Douchy, surrounded by his three children and his family.”

French President Emmanuel Macron branded Delon on Twitter as a “French monument” and as Delon’s co-star in the 1961 film. Famous Loves, Brigitte Bardot published a statement on the website of her animal foundation.

The tribute praised the actor as a “great animal lover” and said: “Alain was a close friend of our President Brigitte Bardot, who is devastated by his death. Their friendship, based on a shared love of animals and a shared concern for their welfare, was precious and genuine. Alain understood the deep bond between humans and animals.”

However, it later turned out that Delon’s desire to be close to the animals continued until his death.

Delon requested that his 10-year-old dog be euthanized and buried with him. (Mike Marsland/WireImage)

Delon requested that his 10-year-old dog be euthanized and buried with him. (Mike Marsland/WireImage)

The actor had asked for Loubo to be “euthanized” and placed in the grave next to him, The Guardian reported. However, this request was met with strong reactions from animal rights groups.

La SPA France – the oldest animal rights organisation in the country – wrote on Twitter on August 19: “The SPA wanted to pay tribute to Alain Delon, animal lover and defender of the cause. Before his death, he had expressed his wish to have his dog Lobo put to sleep. However, an animal’s life should not depend on that of a human. The SPA volunteers to take in his dog and find a family for him.”

Fortunately, a spokesperson for the Brigitte Bardot Foundation later responded to the controversy, stating that they had “just had Anouchka Delon (Delon’s daughter) on the phone.”

They announced that the family had decided not to euthanize the dog but to keep him.

In a Twitter post, the foundation added: “(Translation) Many of you have sent us messages about the future of Loubo, Alain Delon’s dog.

“‘He has his home and his family,’ confirmed the actor’s relatives, who will take care of him. Loubo will of course not be put down!”

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