
Dear Annie, take the time to put your smartphone away

Dear Annie, take the time to put your smartphone away

Note: This column was originally published in 2021.

Dear Annie: I decided to put my phone away for a while and the results were wonderful.

Today was the day I was allowed to pick up the phone again. I had imposed a three-day restriction on myself and today was the fourth day. During those three days, I only answered my father’s calls. He is 86 and I don’t want to miss a minute of his time with us. But that was all I allowed myself.

I can’t believe how much I’ve accomplished in my small apartment. Everything is shiny and tidy again.

I will follow this rule weekly. I think this is the best idea I’ve ever had and it’s nice to see that others have come to the same conclusion.

There’s a great movie waiting for me, so I put the phone away to enjoy my time. – Feeling Free Again

Dear “Feeling Free Again”: When we say no to certain behaviors, we say yes and open the door for other positive behaviors. Thank you for sharing your experiences with us.

Dear Annie: When my children were young, I was in an abusive, controlling marriage and couldn’t leave until they made their own lives. After 37 years, I finally got out of that marriage, thank God!

Although I have found a way out, my problem is how best to move on – to create my own life away from him. Sometimes I feel lonely and scared, and sometimes I wonder if I can make it on my own.

I know he made me feel that way – like I couldn’t do anything for myself – and he destroyed so many relationships in my life. He turned so many people against me. He did that by lying and by making people believe him.

I finally realized that he was a narcissist who was very cunning and always made a fool of me. Please try to give me some support and advice so that I don’t let this person make a fool of me with his lies anymore. Thank you. – Married to a Narcissist

Dear married couples: Congratulations on moving on from what was a terrible situation for you. There are support groups you can join that will help you recover from the abuse you suffered at the hands of your husband. Check out

The best part is that you’re away from his toxicity, which can only leave you drained and drained. It’s time to rebuild the parts of your self-esteem that he spent years destroying. Get other people, like a good therapist or members of a support group, to help you restore those parts.

Dear Annie: I’m just saying. I’m a 63 year old woman. I was bullied at school for no reason at all. I was never the type to fight back or say anything and after all these years it still bothers me. I was afraid to tell my parents what I went through. I taught my children to come to me if they ever get treated like that at school. Please, parents, question your children; ask them if it’s okay at school. Bullying is not right at any age! – Still Have Scars

Dear Scars: I’m sorry you had to experience bullying. You’re right, the scars remain. I hope that with the help of a good therapist, you can heal some of the hurt from the past so you can be pain free.

How Can I Forgive My Cheating Partner? is available now! Annie Lane’s second anthology – featuring popular columns on marriage, infidelity, communication and reconciliation – is available in paperback and e-book. For more information, visit Send your questions to Annie Lane at [email protected].

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