
David Hookstead shoots with WWII weapons: WATCH

David Hookstead shoots with WWII weapons: WATCH

You’ll get into big trouble if you come into contact with the weapons used by American soldiers in World War II.

I’m currently on my annual trip to Las Vegas and as OutKick readers know, there will be a detailed recap once I get home.

However, there is one small part of the journey that I really wanted to share with you:

My experiences with firearms from World War II.

I’m a huge gun fanatic and have been shooting my entire life. However, I’ve never shot a Thompson M1A1 or an M1 Garand – two of the most popular weapons on the battlefield in WWII. When I got the chance to shoot both of these weapons (and a modern 1911 .45 pistol) at the Battlefield Vegas range, I just couldn’t say no. It was an absolutely incredible experience and you can feel the raw power of the weapons with every shot.

In the video below you can watch me throwing it with the weapons (Follow me on Instagram for more pro-American clips and content), and let me know your thoughts at [email protected].

I hope you enjoyed watching me handle these badass weapons as much as I enjoyed pulling the trigger. Check back for my full Las Vegas recap and follow all the social media channels below:

Instagram: @david_hookstead

Twitter: @dhookstead

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