
Where do you live? A complicated question for a California city with no street addresses. – NBC New York

Where do you live? A complicated question for a California city with no street addresses. – NBC New York

No one has an address in this affluent California community known for its white-sand beaches and fairytale charm. But unlike the homes in Carmel-By-The-Sea, those days may soon be numbered.

After more than a century without an address, this seaside tourist town, once mayor of which Clint Eastwood was, is moving forward with a plan to assign house numbers to homes and businesses.

Many long-time residents are not happy about this.

The city’s residents and visitors must navigate a wooded, one-square-mile landscape where houses, shops, restaurants and other buildings have no numbers. It’s even more difficult at night because the city has few street lights.

When asked for their address, residents describe the color or style of their house, nearby landmarks like cypress trees and fire hydrants, or their location in relation to the next cross street. Many homes have signs with quirky names like Neverland, Dreamcatcher, and Pinch Me, or descriptions like “San Antonio 3 SE of 9th.”

There is no mail delivery service, so residents must collect their mail from the U.S. Post Office, the only building with an official address.

But street addresses may finally be coming to this coastal town of 3,300 residents about 120 miles south of San Francisco. In July, the City Council voted 3-2 to move forward with the street numbering plan.

“When emergency responders go out, it’s very difficult, especially at night, to count the houses to find the right house,” said Councilwoman Karen Ferlito, noting that the city has an aging population. “Sometimes they go to the wrong house and that wastes valuable time.”

Large parts of the historic city in eastern San Diego County, which was once an Army base and home to the famous Buffalo Soldiers, are for sale, reports Joe Little of NBC 7.

Citizens complain that many government agencies and businesses require a physical address for their services. They say delivery and taxi drivers cannot find their homes and often deliver packages and food orders to the wrong house.

“We’ve had flowers delivered that were useless. When my father died, we had fruit baskets delivered that were six weeks old,” said Betty Kullas, who moved to Carmel 15 years ago. “Sometimes you have to go house to house at night with a flashlight to see if you can find it if you know it was delivered somewhere.”

Kullas said her husband’s $13,000 medication never arrived and delivery at the post office was not possible because it had to be refrigerated. Without a physical address, getting water, electricity and cable service was a struggle.

However, many do not see the need for street addresses, even in this day and age when people increasingly use their address for online shopping and obtaining important legal documents.

“I was born in Carmel 67 years ago. I grew up without a street address, it’s just something you’re used to,” said Grant Johnson, who has lived here his entire life, outside the post office. “That’s one of the charms of Carmel. That’s one of the stories we get to tell.”

Among the opponents is the mayor, who voted against the measure.

“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” Mayor Dave Potter said during an interview at his home. “I just don’t think it’s necessary. I mean, frankly, we’ve been living like this for 100 years. We don’t need them.”

The issue of street addresses has been a source of controversy in Carmel since its founding in 1916, often leading to clashes between business owners and residents seeking to preserve the village’s character, culture and charm.

The city government passed an ordinance in 1926 requiring house numbering, but historic preservationists resisted. Three years later, the city passed an ordinance requiring Carmel’s residential streets to be kept free of sidewalks, streetlights, neon signs, high-rises and mailboxes. Street addresses were also banned.

In 1953, Carmel threatened to secede from California because of a state bill requiring house numbering, but the bill did not pass.

During the pandemic, when personal contacts were restricted and more citizens wanted packages and meals delivered to their homes, the issue again became a sensitive topic.

Representatives of the local police and fire department spoke in favor of providing house numbers at the July 9 council meeting, pointing out that the lack of house numbers constitutes a violation of fire and building codes.

Potter dismissed safety concerns, saying local emergency services had detailed knowledge of the city and could respond within minutes.

Some longtime residents fear the street numbers would detract from Carmel’s quaint charm.

“I’ve lived here so long that I’ve kind of forgotten what it’s like to have mail delivered, so it doesn’t bother me,” said resident Virginia Crapo. “I think it’s more communal when you have to go to the post office to pick up your mail because you can see your neighbors.”

Even though households have received street addresses, post offices will remain open and there will be no mail delivery to private homes, Ferlito said.

Following the council vote, city staff was directed to develop a numbering plan, which must be approved by the U.S. Postal Service.

But the story is not over yet. In November, citizens will elect city councilors and a mayor who will decide whether addresses will be sent to citizens.

“This is a very political issue and I don’t know what will happen after the election, but I hope the new council stays the course,” said Councilman Jeff Baron, who is running for mayor and voted for the street addresses.

Others believe it is time to join the modern world.

“I don’t think house numbers will destroy the charm,” said part-time resident Bruce Edwards, who was picking up mail from his mailbox. “I’m in favor of it because there are delivery issues. Uber will work better. Ambulances will be able to find us if I have a heart attack. And my UPS driver will be able to deliver my books to me.”

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