
Jackson: How to get involved politically without losing your soul

Jackson: How to get involved politically without losing your soul

By Andrew Jackson

I just finished my run for the Arizona House of Representatives (Gilbert). I’ve never run for political office before; it was both challenging and rewarding. I learned a lot.

My thoughts on this are based on Jesus’ question in Mark 8:36: “What will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul?” Over the years, I have observed many people who have become politically active and have actually “lost their soul.” That is, they lose their integrity and reputation in their quest to gain or retain political power.

Don’t get me wrong, I believe there is a real battle going on for the future of Arizona and our nation. I believe elections have great consequences and we should be politically active. But it is critical that we engage in the social and political struggle in a way that represents the values ​​we claim to be fighting for. In my view, the way we engage politically is just as important as our policies. Remember: we reap what we sow.

Here are some thoughts from my Christian perspective:

First, we must not equate the Kingdom of God with any human political party. This does not mean that we cannot be partisan, but we must maintain a reasonable distinction between the Kingdom of God and the kingdoms of this world.

Second, we must be careful not to give a politician messianic status. People often mistakenly believe that a politician can single-handedly solve all the problems of fallen humanity. But they cannot.

Third, we must pray for our political leaders because the political world is full of spiritual conflict and politicians really need God’s grace and strength to represent us.

Finally, we must remember that our ultimate security is in God. We too often elevate the outcome of elections to an apocalyptic affair. I know that the outcome of elections can have serious and devastating consequences for individuals and their families, but let’s not think and act as if the world is ending. Remember, God is still sovereign and in control.

Many of us are currently caught up in the political drama and whirlwind of the upcoming political election. Let us fight for America, but let us be careful not to “lose our soul.”

Andrew Jackson served as pastor of two major churches for 22 years, including Word of Grace Church in Mesa. He finished third out of five candidates for the Republican Party nomination for a seat in the House of Representatives from the 14th Legislative District.

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