
Watch: Biden supporters disrupt protesters displaying ‘Stop Arming Israel’ sign at DNC

Watch: Biden supporters disrupt protesters displaying ‘Stop Arming Israel’ sign at DNC

A section of the protesters at the Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Chicago unfurled a banner reading “Stop Arming Israel” as President Joe Biden addressed the gathering on Monday (August 19).

A video of the incident went viral on social media, showing that nearby Democrats are not very receptive to the protesters’ anti-war stance. Some of them hit the protesters with their “We love Joe” signs, while others tried to rip the banner away from them.

Watch the video of protesters holding the sign “Stop Arming Israel.”


One of the alleged protesters holding the banner took to X (formerly Twitter) to claim they had infiltrated the DNC, even though authorities had removed those advocating a ceasefire from their lists.

“Here is the sign we made. We entered their tightly controlled, hermetically sealed coronation show in Hollywood, even though they were delisting and intimidating pro-ceedings delegates,” the protester said.

The Biden administration has come under sharp criticism for its handling of the war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza. For months, large-scale protests have been taking place across the country, including on the campuses of Ivy League universities, against the White House’s war policy.

Washington is Israel’s largest supplier of weapons and ammunition and recently approved a $20 billion arms package for the West Asian country.

According to the Pentagon, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken approved the sale of more than 50 F-15 jets and equipment worth nearly $19 billion, including $774 million worth of tank shells, $60 million worth of explosive grenade rounds and $583 million worth of military vehicles. However, deliveries of said equipment would not begin for several years.

Since the war began, the United States has supplied Israel with more than 10,000 highly destructive 2,000-pound bombs and thousands of Hellfire missiles.

Abhinav Singh

Abhinav Singh

Football. Geopolitics. Cricket. Music. F1. In no particular order.

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