


“There are only two ways to lead: divide and conquer, or build and unite.”

“Divide and conquer” means “We stoke resentment and anger toward people who are different from us to make them easier to control.” One way to do this is to dehumanize a racial or religious minority, or people seeking asylum or seeking to emigrate to America to work, etc.

“Immigration law allows individuals to seek asylum in the United States who flee their country and seek protection because they are persecuted or have a well-founded fear of persecution ‘because of their race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion.'”

Unless they are Native American, all Americans are immigrants or descendants of immigrants who came to America to gain religious freedom or to avoid conscription or starvation, etc. Former President Trump’s His mother was born in Scotland and his father was the son of German immigrants. Donald Trump’s Ms Melania was born in Slovenia. Her Parents born in Slovenia were sworn in as U.S. citizens and benefited from a path to citizenship known as family-based immigration, which Trump and others have derisively called “chain migration.”” After Since taking office, Trump has repeatedly called for the elimination of “chain migration.”

Despite the cruel way in which African Americans originally came to America, “some of them became great inventors, scientists and thinkers.” Some examples include the invention of theFFire extinguisher, air conditioning, IBM computers and pacemakers, X-ray spectrometer, Cataract laser phaco probe, Architecture system bus that enables the use of computer plug-ins such as hard disk drives, printers and scanners, electronic control units for guided missiles, automatic emergency stop switch, automatic gear shift, mobile phone, clothes dryer, elevator, gas mask, guitar, lawn mower, refrigerator, spark plug, street sweeper, telephone transmitter, stove, traffic light, typewriter, thermostat control.”

During World War II, the Tuskegee Airmen were “dedicated young men who volunteered to be America’s first black military aviators. Their success in escorting bombers is a record that no other fighter group could match.” More than one million African Americans fought for the U.S. armed forces.”

“At least 214 Jews and people of half or three-quarter Jewish descent have been awarded the Nobel Prize. That is 22% of all individual laureates worldwide between 1901 and 2023 and 36% of all US laureates in the same period.”

“An informal list of inventions by Jews includes the atom bomb, the thermonuclear bomb, genetic engineering, the nuclear reactor, virtual reality, contraceptives, television remote control, traffic lights, Scotchguard, videotape, color television, instant photography, holography, psychoanalysis, the theory of relativity, circumcision, cafeterias, pawn shops, polio vaccine, radiation, chemotherapy, artificial kidney dialysis machine, defibrillator, pacemaker, vaccination against the ‘hepatitis B’ virus, vaccination needle, laser technology, wired fax machine (FAX), microphone, microprocessor chip, fiber optic cable, laser, cellular technology, video recorder, walkie-talkie, Kodachrome film, airship, calculating machine.”

J. Robert Oppenheimer, “born into a non-believing Jewish family in New York City, was an American theoretical physicist. During the Manhattan Project, Oppenheimer was director of the Los Alamos Laboratory and was responsible for research and development of an atomic bomb. He is often referred to as the “Father of the Atomic Bomb.”

Without these “immigrants” we might not have won World War II and we would still be living in a democracy with “freedom of speech.”

“Alan Turing, an openly gay Englishman, was more responsible than anyone else for the victory in World War II. He cracked the Germans’ Enigma code so that the Allies knew in advance what the Nazis would do, thus saving tens of thousands of lives.”

In 2023, the Southern Poverty Law Center documented 1,430 hateful and anti-government extremist groups. “Anti-Semitic hate crimes increased by 25% from 2021 to 2022, accounting for over half of all reported religiously motivated hate crimes. Hate crimes against LGBTQI+ increased by 16%, and Muslim and African Americans continue to be overrepresented among victims.” The 2022 data also showed a sharp increase in anti-Hispanic bias.

Blaming certain races, religions, etc. for our problems is one way for a politician to divert attention from finding solutions. It’s the magic trick of misdirection – “a form of deception in which a performer draws the audience’s attention to one thing in order to distract it from another.” Another way is to lie repeatedly.

Meanwhile, the United States faces serious problems that need to be solved: As of 2022, there were approximately 582,462 homeless people living in the United States. (Not everyone can live on the federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour.) What is the political candidate’s plan to solve this problem? Problem? President Donald Trump’s budget request for 2021 proposed drastically cutting housing subsidies that help millions of low-income seniors, people with disabilities, families with children, and others afford to own homes. HUD has stated that the problem of homelessness could be solved with about $20 billion. There are 806 billionaires and 9,630 centimillionaires in the United States with a net worth of at least $100 million. “America’s billionaires have raked in $2.9 trillion since the Trump tax cuts went into effect, almost all of it tax-free.”

There are at least 10,000 diseases in the world and about 500 treatment options. It is in our best interest to have free or low-cost health care that protects us from infectious diseases.”FAlthough many diseases are completely treatable, they still ravage large parts of the world: HIV/AIDS, Malaria, COVID-19, Cholera and Tuberculosis, for which there has been a cure for decades, but There There were 602 TB-related deaths in the United States in 2021. Regular vaccinations protect against Polio, Tetanus, Flu (influenza), Hepatitis B, Hepatitis A, Rubella, Hi, Measles, Whooping cough (pertussis), Pneumococcal disease, Rotavirus, Mumps, Chickenpox and Diphtheria.” Disease prevention is too important not to make vaccines accessible and free.

“Today, 68,000 Americans die each year in the United States because they cannot afford the medical care they desperately need, and millions more suffer needlessly because of delayed treatment. Life expectancy in the United States is much lower than in most other industrialized countries, and infant mortality rates are much higher. “According to the Congressional Budget Office, Medicare for All would save $650 billion each year, improve the economy, and eliminate all out-of-pocket health care costs.”

Fortunately, “mMore than 90% of Affordable Care Act ( policyholders can choose between three or more plans and21.3 million people have opted for ACA Marketplace Coverage. There are different versions in 56 countries of “health care for all” and America has a ““Medicare for All,” a national health insurance program that provides comprehensive health care to everyone in America.

In contrast, the Republican Party proposed “$5.5 trillion in Tax cuts for the rich and large corporationsthe abolition of the minimum tax for billion-dollar companies, the abolition of inheritance tax for the richest, massive tax cuts for billionaire investors…” In addition, the budget proposal would cut Medicare, Social Security and the Affordable Care Act and increase the costs of prescription drugs, energy and housing.

The Republican Party’s “solution” to America’s problems is to take even more from the poor and give it to the richest – the opposite of Robin Hood, who took from the rich and gave to the poor just so they could survive.

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