
Ivermectin – What they forgot to tell us (VIDEO) | The Liberty Beacon

Ivermectin – What they forgot to tell us (VIDEO) | The Liberty Beacon

Ivermectin – What they forgot to tell us (VIDEO) | The Liberty Beacon

ER Editor: To be honest, we can’t say we’re particularly surprised.

True truth teller Dr Mike Yeadon speaks here in a lengthy, recent public interview with James Delingpole, a 5-minute excerpt of which was published by Tim Truth on Rumble.

In summary, Ivermectin – which was promoted by so many “truther” doctors during the Covid period – highly toxic to human fertilityAnd the “health-promoting” supplements we often have in our bathroom cabinets tend to block the ability of ivermectin to be eliminated from the body. So so.

Yeadon is too much of a gentleman to name the doctors who pushed Ivermectin on us. He says in the interview that he has not yet written anything on the subject.

A reminder that Pierre Kory, Robert MaloneFriend who is the prosecution in this from 2020(And this is NOT to deny that Ivermectin has serious health benefits in other ways, such as treating cancer or parasites. We have happily taken it ourselves.) But why aren’t Yeadon’s claims mentioned in this glowing FLCCC profile of the drug?

The remarkable story of Ivermectin

An example –

Like penicillin and aspirin, Ivermectin is a medicine that comes from nature.

Although it Little known in advanced health economies before COVIDthe drug has an incredible story of health promotion in underdeveloped countries. Since its approval for human use in 1987, it has played a key role in controlling some of the world’s most dangerous tropical diseases, including onchocerciasis, lymphatic filariasis (also known as elephantiasis), strongyloidiasis and scabies. It is also effective in controlling parasitic infestations in animals, which can have devastating economic consequences for the livestock industry.

Ivermectin is not only an effective broad-spectrum antiparasitic, but has also been used by many medical professionals for decades to Treatment of a variety of other diseases.

“Few, if any, other drugs can match ivermectin in terms of its positive effects on human health and well-being,” wrote Andy Crump in the Journal of Antibiotics in 2017Crump worked for decades with Satoshi Ōmura, the Japanese microbiologist responsible for the discovery of ivermectin.

Our first thought when watching this video was: “Isn’t Ivermectin commonly prescribed in Africa? And could this not have nefarious intentions, because Sterilization programs are considered to be very active on this continent, including the use of Tetanus vaccination (see Here And Here)?’ This article mentions the widespread use of Ivermectin in Africa – How the 2015 Nobel Prize-winning drug could free Africa from ancient plagues. Kory refers above to “underdeveloped countries”.

As a reminder, the Covid vaccine has generally been a very effective means of reducing population numbers worldwide.

“Nothing great happens on the world stage by chance”


Check out what Dr. Yeadon recently published on so-called Gain of Function research —

Dr. Mike Yeadon: “What is gain-of-function research?”

Ivermectin – What they forgot to tell us (VIDEO) | The Liberty Beacon


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Ivermectin – What they forgot to tell us (VIDEO) | The Liberty Beacon

Ivermectin – What they forgot to tell us (VIDEO) | The Liberty Beacon


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