
Jonathan Edwards: Remember the promo videos!

Jonathan Edwards: Remember the promo videos!

I’m in the middle of filming a wedding right now and let me tell you, it’s beautiful chaos as always. As I take a quick break and sit down at a table with photographer Meghan, we start talking about this week’s column, which I’m writing late. Our conversation naturally turns to the topic of making these short behind-the-scenes videos as we work – something we both know is crucial to our self-promotion on social media.

It turns out I’m not the only one who struggles to remember to make those little promotional videos. You know, short behind-the-scenes clips, maybe a cool shot of the venue, or just something simple to upload to TikTok or Facebook to keep our social media accounts active. It seems like I forget every time.

Every. Single. Time.

We are so focused on taking the perfect photo of the couple or capturing those candid moments that we completely lose sight of the fact that we should also document us works. It’s frustrating because I know how important these videos are for marketing. These little snippets are what people like to see – they want an inside look, the behind-the-scenes action. It makes our work tangible and shows our style.

But in the heat of the moment, when I’m adjusting the lights or directing the wedding party, everything else just fades into the background. And then, as the day draws to a close, I’m annoyed that I didn’t even take a 10-second clip. I think part of the problem is that I don’t want to disrupt the day’s flow. The last thing I want is for the couple to realize I’m filming myself and not them! But at the same time, I know I need to make this a habit.

It’s a balance I’m still trying to find – how to do my job and market myself at the same time, without neglecting either. And here I am, in the middle of this beautiful wedding, making a mental note (again) to remind myself to take just a few minutes to make these short promotional videos, because I know when I finally release them, they will make all the difference in connecting with potential clients.

If you are an entrepreneur, this struggle may sound all too familiar.

Creating consistent social media content is essential for anyone looking to engage with their audience and grow their brand. However, in the day-to-day stress of running a business, it can be easy to forget to create that content. Just as a wedding photographer needs reminders to shoot behind-the-scenes videos, business owners can benefit from strategies that remind them to quickly create social media content throughout the day. Below are several methods that can help you stay on top of social media and ensure you never miss an opportunity to connect with your audience.

1. Set phone alarms for important moments.

A simple and effective way to remind yourself to create social media content is to set alarms on your phone at strategic times of the day. Label these alarms with prompts like “Post about today’s special offer” or “Share a behind-the-scenes look.” Set these alarms for moments when you’re most likely to be available, such as after lunch or during a quiet time. These notifications will act like gentle nudges, reminding you to take a moment to create and post content, even if it’s just a quick story or photo.

2. Integrate social media content into your daily to-do list.

If you already use a task management system, whether it’s a digital app like Asana or a simple handwritten to-do list, add social media tasks directly to your daily list. For example, next to a task like “respond to client emails,” add a quick reminder to “post a client testimonial.” By integrating social media content creation into your existing workflow, it becomes a natural part of your day rather than an extra task that you may overlook.

3. Use sticky notes as visual cues.

Sometimes the simplest methods are the most effective. Put sticky notes in visible places around your workspace that can serve as powerful visual reminders. For example, put sticky notes on your computer monitor, cash register, or even your coffee maker—places you see frequently throughout the day. These sticky notes can include prompts like “Share your progress today” or “Highlight a product feature” to keep you thinking about social media as you go about your daily tasks.

4. Designate an employee as a reminder.

If you have a team, designate someone to remind you to create social media content. This could be part of their daily tasks where they check in with you at specific times to make sure content is created and published. Having someone else hold you accountable can be a powerful motivator, especially if you tend to get caught up in other business activities.

5. Set up check-in points throughout the day

Set specific times throughout the day to check in with yourself and assess what content has already been created and what still needs to be done. For example, take a moment after morning meetings, during lunch, and at the end of the workday to reflect on whether you’ve captured any content for social media. If not, use these moments to quickly snap a photo, record a short video, or jot down an idea for a post.

6. Carry a reminder.

A more unconventional method might be to wear a specific object, such as a bracelet or watch, that you associate with content creation. Every time you look at or touch that object, it serves as a subtle reminder to think about what you could be communicating to your audience in that moment. This approach relies on creating a mental connection between the object and the act of content creation, making it an effective personal cue.

7. Use workflow and reminder apps.

There are several apps that can help you stay organized and on task. Use these apps to set reminders for social media content creation. Apps like Trello, Todoist, or even your smartphone’s reminder feature can send you push notifications at specific times to make sure you always remember to create content. You can customize these reminders depending on the type of content you need to create or the platform you want to focus on.

8. Stick a Post-It on your camera or phone.

Since your phone or camera is probably the tool you use most often to create content, leave a small, unobtrusive note on it. This could be a Post-It or a small sticker with a prompt like “Create today’s post.” Every time you pick up your device, the reminder will appear, which can help trigger the action to capture content.

9. Schedule time for content creation.

Another effective strategy is to schedule specific times during your day dedicated solely to content creation. That could be 15 minutes in the morning and another 15 minutes in the afternoon. By blocking time in your schedule, you ensure that content creation isn’t an afterthought, but an integral part of your daily routine.

10. Incorporate content creation into your daily routines.

Finally, tie your content creation to routines you already have. For example, if you make coffee every morning, use that time to think about what content you’re going to create that day. If you regularly check your email in the afternoon, take a few minutes afterward to post on social media. By tying content creation to activities you already do, you’ll develop a consistent habit without feeling like it’s an extra burden.

By implementing these strategies, business owners can ensure they never miss an opportunity to connect with their audience through social media. These reminders, whether physical, digital, or mental, help integrate content creation into your daily routine and make it a seamless part of how you do business.

Jonathan Edwards is the owner of Diamond City Studios. You can reach him at (email protected).

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