
Down with the bullying of the ruling class! Build a revolutionary movement!

Down with the bullying of the ruling class! Build a revolutionary movement!

The armed forces are the main pillar of state power and the institutions of state power are completely under the control of the ruling class. The army, BGB, RAB, police, intelligence agencies and other armed forces that served as the basis and executors of Sheikh Hasina’s sixteen-year rule, as well as the judiciary, prisons and bureaucracy that enforced Sheikh Hasina’s autocracy, are the main instruments of state power. Through the use of this state apparatus, the ruling class enforces relations of exploitation and oppression. It is this state apparatus that has constantly disappeared, murdered, tortured, kidnapped, raped, looted and expelled people in the mountains and plains and has brutally suppressed popular resistance. State power is still in the hands of imperialism and its domestic cronies, the big bourgeoisie, which has driven millions of people into its hell factories where its buildings collapse or people are burned to death. State power remains in the hands of those who are destroying agriculture and driving millions of people into urban slums, endangering their lives. They have handed the people over to Islamic fundamentalists who have been waiting to exploit the people’s anger against the brutal rule of Sheikh Hasina. These forces have consistently influenced people’s minds on the basis of their reactionary socio-political programs, thereby strengthening their political power position. And now that they have the opportunity to share in state power, they will force their old, backward traditional relationships, customs, ideologies and values ​​on the people with all their might.

People want freedom of speech, assembly, association, movement, and the right to food, clothing, shelter, education, medical care, work, and political power and to determine the course of society. People need a fundamentally different society to free themselves from all forms of exploitation and oppression, and a fundamentally different state power that can liberate them from the brutal grip of the local ruling class and the hellish factories where their lives are destroyed to generate mountains of profits for the greedy, profit-seeking imperialists. People need to be freed from the patriarchal systems of exploitation that keep women in chains of slavery. People need a society free from the domination of imperialism and the exploitation of a corrupt ruling class, a society where everyone is treated as a full human being, regardless of gender, race, or religion. People need a real revolution (not Cuba or Venezuela). A revolution is not a minor reform, but a radical change in society. Revolution means the overthrow and dissolution of the existing oppressive state apparatus of the capitalist-imperialist system, especially the institutions of organized violence and oppression such as the armed forces, police, courts, prisons, bureaucracy and administrative power, and the replacement of concentrated centers of reactionary coercion and violence with new revolutionary institutions.

There is no reason to trust the US-backed army and BNP-Jamaat forces whose hands are stained with the blood of the people. They will continue the capitalist-imperialist exploitation and oppression of the people and reinforce their aggressively backward religious ideology. This ruling class will not prosecute the killers of those killed by the army, police, BGB, RAB and other armed forces in the fight against Sheikh Hasina’s blood-stained regime. These armed forces are the manifestation of the state monopoly of the ruling class. BNP-Jamaat will enforce the rule of imperialism and domestic patronage class over the people with the help of the state armed forces and judiciary, prisons, bureaucracy etc. They will never disclose their secret deals with the imperialist states.

We must not forget our history. BNP-Jamaat are proven enemies of the state. The distinctive features of the rule of these reactionaries are the oppression of minorities (linguistic like Biharis, ethnic, gender, religious like Hindus, Buddhists, Christians and other Muslim communities like the Qadiani etc.), intertwining of religion and state, filling the education system with unscientific and religious superstitions, suppression of progressive thought and artistic, literary and cultural practices and severe oppression of women and LGBTQ persons. All these are enforced by all ruling class parties but this is the distinctive feature of BNP-Jamaat’s social and political programme.

The people cannot be liberated unless the existing state apparatus and its institutions are smashed by a genuine revolution led by a revolutionary party armed with scientific theories and drawing on millions of exploited and oppressed people, and an entirely new state apparatus and institutions are created, a break with imperialism occurs, and the native ruling class dependent on favorites is overthrown. If, on the basis of this understanding, foresight and vision, a small number of people can unite and constantly expose the frauds and crimes of the ruling class and the workings of this brutal system before the people, then this small force could have a tremendous impact. The ruling class is currently divided and in temporary unrest, and the people are challenging this long-standing system in the streets; the question of the future of the country is being discussed in every tea shop. Imagine the impact that even a small force can have if it comes forward on the basis of a correct assessment of the reality of the country and exploits the cracks in society to build a revolution! In a world threatened by genocide in Gaza, environmental disaster, and even nuclear war in Ukraine, this small force could have an unimaginable impact.

We call on people to put their disillusionment behind them and focus on building the truly revolutionary movement they so desperately need. The new communism represents a giant leap in the scientific understanding of social reality and is a way to fundamentally transform the country through a real revolution. It is a science that exposes the class interests behind the various programs and policies currently being implemented in the country. Only the people can equip themselves as makers of revolution and liberators of humanity on the basis of a correct understanding.

Convict Sheikh Hasina for the crimes of the Awami regime! Bring her back and convict her!

Bring to justice the Awami leaders and officers, army and police personnel, including the IG, DIG, BGB, RAB and other state forces who were politically and militarily involved in the killings and who gave the orders.

Say no to army reforms, say no to military rule in the Chittagong Hills, say no to a caretaker government. No BNP-Jamaat, no Awami League, no third party in the elections! This whole system must go!

Supporters of the new communism in Bangladesh

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