
Connecting and inspiring for a cultural change in business – Centre for Climate Safety

Connecting and inspiring for a cultural change in business – Centre for Climate Safety

Connecting and inspiring for a cultural change in business – Centre for Climate Safety

The special episode “Business Revolution” of “The Sustainable Hour” | Transcript | Podcast Notes

This special episode of The Sustainable Hour discusses the lack of focus on climate change, sustainability, ESG and mindset change at the Geelong Small Business Festival and features three business-related interviews from The business revolution Podcasts:

The first interview includes Trent Jonesan expert in home and business electrification who emphasizes the importance of education and collaboration among tradespeople to drive the transition to electric alternatives.

In the second interview Jenny Agnewa sustainability expert in the mining industry who discusses the need for sustainable mining practices and the role of mining in the green transition. In this conversation, the hosts discuss the importance of policy change and the role of individuals and organizations in influencing and implementing change. They emphasize the need for honesty, support and good leadership in promoting sustainable practices.

The third interview is about Michael SheldrickAuthor of From Ideas to Impact: A Playbook for Influencing and Implementing Change in a Divided World.

The episode highlights the power of young people driving the business revolution and the urgency to take action for a better future. The Business Revolution podcast continues to explore the concept of ESG (environmental, social and governance) and the need for companies to prioritize sustainability.

“The craftsmen need to be trained much better. They need to work together and join forces, they need to join forces and make sure we speak the same language with the customers.”
~ Trent JonesAll electrical houses

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We at The Sustainable Hour want to pay our respects to the traditional custodians of the lands we live on.
the Wathaurong people, and we pay our respects to their Elders past, present and future.

The Traditional Owners lived in harmony with the land. They cared for it and thrived in often harsh conditions for thousands of years before they were conquered. Their land was then stolen from them – it was not ceded. It is becoming increasingly obvious that we can learn a lot from their land management practices if we are to survive the climate emergency we face.

Our fight for climate justice will not be won until our First Nations brothers and sisters receive their true justice. When we talk about the future, it means paying our respects to the children yet unborn, to the future generations, remembering the old saying: “We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors. We borrow it from our children.”
The decisions currently being made in Australia to ignore the climate emergency are being made by people who will no longer be there when the worst impacts happen. How disrespectful and unfair is that?

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Energy efficiency for small businesses

Part of the Geelong Small Business Festival, this interactive event is designed to educate small business owners on the benefits of energy efficient practices and how to integrate electrification into their business.

Find out how your company can save energy costs by implementing key energy efficiency measures and learn more about the future of energy for companies.

When: 5.30 p.m. – 7 p.m., Thursday, August 22nd

Where: 1915 Restaurant and Bar, 33 Mackey Street, North Geelong

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Transcript of this episode

Antonio Guterres:
It is a time of change.

The sustainable hour. For a green, clean, sustainable Geelong. The sustainable hour.

Tony Gleeson:
Sustainable Hour acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the lands where we meet, work, play and broadcast from. The Wadawurrung people. We pay our respects to Elders past, present and future. At Sustainable Hour, we are inspired by the long history of activism and resistance of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Australia, and seek to amplify the voices of marginalised groups. We know we can learn a lot from the ways they managed and cared for the land for thousands of years before their land was stolen by the first white settlers.

Mike Aidt:
“Connect. Inspire. Grow.” That’s the slogan of Geelong’s Small Business Festival, which kicked off last week and runs until August 23. “Connect, inspire and grow.” Grow and ignore… Ignore the fact that the world’s climate is spiraling out of control. For example, last year was confirmed as the warmest on record. And in July the world experienced its hottest day on record. And shouldn’t business care?

Should the Geelong Chamber of Commerce or the City of Greater Geelong not care? They are the organisers of this festival and they decide what they think should be presented to the Geelong business community. To do this they organise 50 different events. And of those 50 events there is a single event on energy efficiency, wow! That is of course great… It takes place on Thursday 22 August and is hosted by Geelong Sustainability. But not a single event, absolutely not a single one on the climate reality our world is plunging into and what that means for the economy. Or maybe how about something about what really should matter most to all businesses, not just in Europe but also here in Australia and particularly in Geelong, which is the three letters called ESG. Did anyone hear about that at the Small Business Festival? ESG.

If not, maybe listen to The Sustainable Hour today because we’re going to talk about ESG. It stands for environmental, social and governance. And when you think about the future of business, you need to know what ESG is about. What is the future of business going to look like if you keep going like this and pretending that everything is fine out there on the environment, climate, etc., that nobody needs to look at what’s happening to our world and say, “Hey, wow, this is getting serious, we need to change, guys! Because if we don’t, our customers are going to change before we do and we’re going to lose business.”

You can talk all you want about branding, growth, scaling, success factors, networking, leadership, thriving, and all the buzzwords and smiling faces. Everyone feels so smart in that business bubble over there. But if you live in that rose-tinted, carefree bubble and pretend that there is no climate crisis – that the world isn’t warming and things aren’t getting out of control, then you’re in trouble. Your business is part of the problem because you’re ignoring the truth.

The corporate world needs to wake up and needs a whole new value system. In fact, the climate crisis is not just about rising temperatures. It’s about rising sea levels, more frequent and more severe disasters. The cost of food and transport is rising through the roof and if we are to ever really hope to see a real transformation of the corporate sector, it starts with the values ​​of both management and employees. It’s about creating a new, significant cultural shift. I believe in today’s edition of The Sustainable Hour we’re going to talk about that cultural shift. I’m going to share with you a handful of interviews we’ve done for this podcast we’re calling The Business Revolution.

This is a podcast that we started about half a year ago and we’re now on our sixth episode. And the idea behind the Business Revolution podcast is that we want to provide the kind of information that you need when you’re running a business. The kind of information that this festival could have provided but missed the opportunity to do this year. Hopefully that can be done better next year. But if you work in a business or you’re a manager there, then the idea behind this podcast is to create a kind of community of people who get it. People who understand what’s needed and where we need to go, but maybe need some courage or encouragement of the kind that comes from making connections and getting inspiration from others on climate initiatives, ESG issues, etc. And that’s what we talked about in the first six episodes of the Business Revolution.

Thank you for tuning in to this special business edition of The Sustainable Hour, and welcome to the Business Revolution, hosted by Cherry Ward, Alan Taylor and myself, Mik Aidt, and distributed to the world via the website Business Revolution.Earth.

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Events we talked about in The Sustainable Hour

Events in Victoria

Below is a compilation of climate change events, activities, seminars, exhibitions, meetings and protests in Victoria. Most are free, many require registration (so the organisation knows how many people to expect), some ask for donations to cover costs and some require registration and fees. This calendar is provided by volunteers from the Victorian Climate Action Network as a free service. The information is as accurate as possible but changes may occur.


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List of ongoing petitions where we encourage you to add your name

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Live streaming on Wednesdays


The Sustainable Hour will be streamed live online and broadcast on FM radio waves in the Geelong region every Wednesday from 11am-12pm (Melbourne time).

→ To listen to the broadcast on your computer or phone, Click here – or go to Then click on “Listen live” right.

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Podcast archive

Over 500 hours of sustainable podcasts.

Listen to all of The Sustainable Hour radio shows in full, as well as special episodes of Regenerative Hours and Climate Revolution.

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