
Funko Fusion Hands-on Preview – Putting Heads Together

Funko Fusion Hands-on Preview – Putting Heads Together

Each level in Funko Fusion is bookended by charming little Funko Pop recreations of scenes from the films, complete with slapstick. I loved these little skits, complete with funny gags where characters unlock doors with their giant Funko headphones or dramatic reveals are conveyed entirely through pantomime. This made the scenes adapted from Jurassic World: Dominion, a film I haven’t seen, a little hard to follow, but I’m not here to give an exact retelling of the film’s plot, and neither are you.

There were plenty of other adorable little flourishes inspired by the Funko Pop theme. I particularly liked how the characters popped in and out of their iconic Funko Pop packaging as they swapped, with the packaging featuring all the little details collectors would expect. The way the player characters got dirtier, more scuffed, and eventually more skeletal over time as they took damage was another welcome idea, as it allowed me to easily keep track of when I was taking damage without having to pay close attention to my health bar.

The first thing you’ll notice is that the combat feels a bit more complex than what you’d normally find in the LEGO games. Every character, from former Navy dinosaur trainer Owen Grady to Sandford police officer Danny Butterman, has both melee and ranged options. Taking into account the combat improvements from LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, the player can manually aim the characters’ ranged weapons at enemies’ weak points, a tactic required to win many of the game’s boss battles.

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