
Steam user sets record for highest account level

Steam user sets record for highest account level


  • Forget how much you spent on Steam because someone spent nearly $1,000,000 to reach the record for highest account level.
  • The previous king St4ck was dethroned by a user named stasik, who jumped from level 5001 to 5960 to take the crown.
  • Despite the impressive account, keep in mind that Steam accounts are not transferable and the enormous investment therefore serves only for personal prestige.

If you thought you spent a lot of money on Steam, you’re wrong. Someone spent nearly $1,000,000 on Steam to set the record for highest account level. And the crazy thing? Most of it isn’t on games.

According to SteamDB, a website dedicated to tracking all things Steam-related, including concurrent players and accounts, user St4ck has been knocked out of his spot at the top of the highest account tier on Steam. For the uninitiated, Steam tiers are open to unlimited users and are a way to showcase your profile. They are upgraded through purchases, badges, and trading cards, and higher tiers allow you to add more friends, among other non-essential perks.


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Previously, St4ck, a Counter-Strike skin connoisseur, held the top spot, but was overtaken by a user named stasik. This user jumped from Steam level 5001 to Steam level 5960. It is rumored that St4ck spent over $250,000 to reach level 4,000 in 2019, and jumping another 1,000 levels could have put him well over the $400,000 mark.

And how much did Stasik pay? Well, that’s unclear, but rumors have it in the high $500,000 range. On Steam, they seem to be a relatively unknown figure who owns a wealth of high-quality Counter-Strike items. For example, they have several AWP Dragon Lore skins in their inventory. According to a Counter-Strike website, a Dragon Lore can cost between $11,000 and $15,000. This means that not only did they spend money to level up their account, but they also spent a lot on high-quality items.

Stasik Account Level

In other words, their account (level + items) is worth as much as some real stars. The unfortunate thing about it? There is no icon available, so the level is stretched.

Remember, your Steam account cannot be transferred

As cool or breathtaking as Stasik’s level is, it’s important to remember that Valve has made it clear that Steam accounts cannot be transferred if you die. In May, Valve told one person that “Steam Support cannot grant anyone access to the account or merge its contents with another account.”

It also doesn’t matter if you have a will, because as Valve said, it just won’t work. Even writing down your email and password combination violates the Steam Subscriber Agreement. Again, this is a cool move and novelty, but in Steam’s eyes, it ends with the user.


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