
Wedding officiant has KI’s best friend write a ceremonial speech, partner tells her: “That’s insincere.” AITA?

Wedding officiant has KI’s best friend write a ceremonial speech, partner tells her: “That’s insincere.” AITA?

“AITA, because I told my friend that it felt weird that she had AI write her ceremony speech?”

My girlfriend is officiating her best friend’s wedding this weekend. She’s 35 and has been friends with the bride since age 2. She read me what she had planned for the ceremony last night and I said it sounded great.

She responded and said, “Well, I had Chat GPT write it.” I responded and asked if it wrote the whole thing and she said, “More or less, yes.” I then said that it gave me a funny feeling in my stomach that she had AI write the ceremony for her oldest and dearest best friend.

I said that it seemed a little disingenuous to me, as they have been best friends their whole lives and she is a great writer who could write something of equal or greater caliber to AI. Writing something from her heart that reflects what this life event meant to her best friend.

I said I couldn’t really explain why I felt that way, but it gave me a weird feeling in my stomach. She was pretty upset about it and said I called her lazy and called her an immoral person. She cried a lot and said I made her feel like an asshole, which in turn made me feel like an asshole.

I apologized profusely and said I didn’t mean for her to feel that way. I said I think it’s important in a relationship to voice concerns when we feel weird about something. I still feel like a child. AITA?

Here’s what the top commenters had to say:

Street length9871 said:

NTA – and her reaction is why I say that. You just said how you feel about it and she filled in the gaps by explaining how she feels about it. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with either opinion, but her reaction was one of guilt rather than defending her decision and giving you valid reasons why she did it over the AI.

The_T0me said:

Having a bot help her write the speech? There’s nothing wrong with that. Having the bot write the entire speech? Yuck. It would be just as gross if she asked a human assistant to do it. Hopefully she at least gave him important points to include or something.

And honestly, who cares what you think, it’s not about you, but can you imagine how hurt the girlfriend would be if she found out it was just a chat GPT product? That’s how I would explain it to her.

Would she feel comfortable telling her friend that she did that? I bet she wouldn’t. It’s possible there could have been a gentler way to tell her, but NTA.

usuallyHerdDragon said:

NTA, you managed to explain pretty well how you feel without telling your girlfriend that she “cheated” or was “lazy” and it’s not your fault she took it that way. I understand why you feel that way: her best friend asked her out, not a text prediction robot.

But if she is having trouble writing and not only wants to save time and make sure the finished speech is personal enough, then ultimately it is just a matter of using a tool. Are Does it contain personal details?

Grand-Historian4460 said:

NTA, from what you said, she could write a good speech, but even then she seems too lazy to actually make an effort for her best friend. If her feelings were hurt so easily, I wonder how the best friend would feel if she found out about it?

yes, good Palhazza said:

NTA. She didn’t try at all and deserves to be made to feel like a fool. If everyone else at the baking competition baked their own bread, you should be called a fool for bringing home a miracle bread.

Grid overpass said:

This year NTA. This is a temporary thing though, because I’m pretty sure that in 5 years AI talking will be as common as ghosting and in 10 years it will be as accepted as breaking up via text.

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