
Scientists stop and reverse Alzheimer’s by attacking a tiny protein

Scientists stop and reverse Alzheimer’s by attacking a tiny protein

Alzheimer's disease torn paper conceptAlzheimer's disease torn paper concept

(© Ivelin Radkov –

MUNICH, Germany — A team of scientists has discovered a new approach in the fight against Alzheimer’s. Researchers at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) have developed a revolutionary approach that could stop this devastating disease – before it even starts.

Alzheimer’s, a cruel thief of our memory and cognitive abilities, affects millions of people worldwide, including more than six million older adults in the United States alone. For years, scientists have focused on the visible culprits: the notorious amyloid plaques that build up in patients’ brains. But what if the real villain is hiding right under our noses?

Enter the Amyloid beta monomer (Aβ) – a tiny protein fragment that, if left unchecked, can wreak havoc in the brain. These tiny troublemakers are the building blocks of the larger, more notorious amyloid plaques. Even before these plaques form, Aβ monomers can cause significant damage on their own.

Publication of their work in the journal Nature communicationDr. Benedikt Zott and his colleagues at TUM have chosen a new approach to treat Alzheimer’s. Instead of attacking the plaques that form later in the course of the disease, they have focused on the Aβ monomers themselves. Their weapon of choice? A specially developed protein called anticalin.

This anticalin, called H1GAacts like a molecular sponge, soaking up the harmful Aβ monomers before they can cause problems. By preventing these monomers from clumping together, researchers hope to stop Alzheimer’s before it takes hold.

The team tested their creation on mice that had been genetically modified to develop Alzheimer’s-like symptoms. The results were nothing short of remarkable. When injected directly into the hippocampus – a brain region critical for memory – H1GA effectively suppressed neuron hyperactivity, a telltale sign of early Alzheimer’s disease.

“We are still a long way from a therapy that can be used in humans, but the results in animal experiments are very encouraging. Particularly remarkable is the effect of completely suppressing neuronal hyperactivity in the early stages of the disease,” emphasizes Dr. Zott in a press release from the university.

Beta-amyloid plaquesBeta-amyloid plaques
In the brain affected by Alzheimer’s disease, abnormal amounts of the beta-amyloid protein clump together to form plaques (shown in brown). (Source: National Institute on Aging, NIH. All rights reserved.)

While it’s important to temper enthusiasm with caution—after all, many promising Alzheimer’s treatments have failed in human trials—the potential of this approach is undeniable. If successful in people, it could revolutionize the way we think about treating and preventing Alzheimer’s.

Imagine a future where a simple injection could neutralize the earliest signs of Alzheimer’s, preserving the memory and cognitive abilities of millions of people. While that future may be years away, this breakthrough offers a tantalizing glimpse of what might be possible.

The road from success in the laboratory to treatment in humans is long and difficult. Researchers are already working on more effective ways to administer H1GA, since direct injection into the brain is not practical for widespread use.

Despite the hurdles that remain to be overcome, this research represents a significant advance in our understanding of Alzheimer’s disease. By targeting the earliest stages of the disease progression, scientists may finally have a chance to stop this devastating disease before it can spread.

As the world’s population ages and Alzheimer’s cases rise, breakthroughs like this one offer a glimmer of hope. While we don’t yet have a cure, each discovery brings us one step closer to a world where Alzheimer’s is no longer a death sentence, but a disease we can prevent, treat, and perhaps one day defeat.

Summary of the paper


The researchers used a combination of advanced imaging techniques to observe brain activity in living mice. They administered the Aβ-anticalin directly into the hippocampus, an area of ​​the brain important for memory and learning, in mice that had been genetically modified to develop Alzheimer’s disease.

Using two-photon calcium imaging, they were able to see in real time how the anticalin affected the activity of the neurons. They also used a technique called surface plasmon resonance to confirm that the anticalin bound to the Aβ monomers as expected.

Key findings

The study found that Aβ anticalin significantly reduced neuron hyperactivity in Alzheimer’s mouse models. This hyperactivity is considered one of the earliest signs of the disease and leads to the synaptic dysfunction and cell death typical of Alzheimer’s. By preventing Aβ monomers from aggregating into toxic forms, anticalin effectively stopped this early dysfunction, thus preserving normal neuronal function.

Limitations of the study

The research was conducted in mice and it is unclear if the same results will be seen in humans. In addition, the study focused on the early stages of the disease, so it is not known whether the anticalin would be effective in later stages when plaques have already formed. Finally, the anticalin in this study was delivered directly to the brain, which is not practical for widespread use in humans. Future research must look for ways to administer the treatment in a less invasive manner.

Discussion & Insights

The discovery that targeting Aβ monomers can prevent neuronal hyperactivity opens up a new and exciting approach to treating Alzheimer’s. If this approach proves effective in humans, it could be the first step toward a truly preventative treatment for the disease. Although there is still a long way to go, the results of this study offer new hope for the millions of Alzheimer’s patients.

Financing and Disclosures

The research was conducted by a team at the Technical University of Munich and funded by several sources, including the Munich Cluster for Systems Neurology (SyNergy) and the UK Dementia Research Institute. The authors have declared that they have no conflicting interests that could have influenced the outcome of the study.

The study was part of the TUM’s Albrecht Struppler Clinician Scientist Program. The funding enabled a collaboration between the Clinic for Neuroradiology, the Institute of Neuroscience and the Chair of Biological Chemistry. It included all steps from protein biosynthesis to initial efficacy tests on mice.

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