
What useless car technology could you happily live without?

What useless car technology could you happily live without?

A photo of a child playing games on a car's infotainment system.

What is the worst technology that has ever found its way into a car?
photo: John Keeble (Getty Images)

Love it or hate it, cutting-edge technology is finding its way into almost every aspect of driving. There are New safety technology to keep you on trackmodern infotainment systems that Keep everything just a touchscreen away and even the way we Manual transmission was convertedBut not all of these technologies are good technologies, and today we want to introduce you to some of the modern features that you could easily do without.

Today we turn to you and ask you what useless car technology you would like to get rid of. So, what do you have?

Maybe you are tired of the never-ending migration of vehicle controls Away from physical buttons and towards gigantic screens on your center console. Or maybe you are tired of aggressive lane keeping technology that fights you when you try to merge onto the highway. Whatever annoying technology has been bugging you lately, we want to hear all about it.

Personally, I would like to see an end to all the electronic openings found in modern cars. Sure, electric trunks and storage compartments provide easy access for people with any kind of mobility impairment, but they are pretty annoying in 90 percent of cases. Electric doors are simply a nightmare thanks to the high probability of damage you will sustain if someone who doesn’t expect it to be electric breaks it open, and slow-opening electric trunks are not worth waiting for. And don’t even get me started on electric glove compartments that are controlled via your car’s touchscreen

But that’s just my pick of the latest car tech I’d rather live without. What would you choose? Head to the comments section below and tell us your pick of the useless car tech you’d happily live without. We’ll round up some of the best suggestions in a slideshow next week.

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