
When Activision suddenly cancels a long-awaited Call of Duty mod, an Infinity Ward veteran encourages the publisher to “build systems that help your UGC community, not strangle it.”

When Activision suddenly cancels a long-awaited Call of Duty mod, an Infinity Ward veteran encourages the publisher to “build systems that help your UGC community, not strangle it.”

A former Call of Duty veteran has spoken out in support of modders just as publisher Activision made the highly controversial decision to discontinue a major mod just hours before its release.

After years of development, the H2M mod project was supposed to transfer a lot of content from Modern Warfare 2 (2009) to Modern Warfare Remastered (2017) today, August 16th. The enormous hype surrounding the mod has catapulted the seven-year-old shooter back up the sales charts in recent days, but that didn’t stop Activision from sending a cease and desist order the evening before release day.

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