
NFIB FL announces new ads thanking Senator Rick Scott for co-signing a bill to end massive tax increases on small businesses

NFIB FL announces new ads thanking Senator Rick Scott for co-signing a bill to end massive tax increases on small businesses

New ads in 24 states are the NFIB’s latest initiative to call on Congress to make the 20% small business tax deduction permanent

NFIB released new radio and video spots in Florida to continue NFIB’s efforts to urge members of Congress to Stop the massive tax increase for small businesses by passing the Main Street Tax Certainty Act. This law would make the 20 percent small business deduction permanent.

Watch the 30-second Florida video commercial here:

“Florida’s small businesses simply cannot afford a 20% tax increase, and we applaud Senator Rick Scott’s support for Main Street and co-signing of the Main Street Tax Certainty Act,” said Bill Herrle, Executive Director of NFIB Florida“Small business owners across the state are already facing numerous economic hardships, and if Congress does not act, this tax increase will have devastating consequences for their businesses.”

Listen to the 30-second Florida radio spot here:

“Small businesses are the foundation of our economy, yet more than 30 million of them face a massive tax increase that would impact their ability to create jobs and give back to their communities,” said NFIB President Brad Close.

The 20% small business deduction was introduced as part of the 2017 tax law to level the playing field between small businesses and large corporations. It has helped small business owners overcome the economic challenges of recent years – but it expires at the end of 2025. Main Street Tax Certainty Act would make the 20% small business deduction permanent and avoid a massive tax increase for the majority of American small businesses.

TAKE ACTION: Call on your legislators to happen the Main Street Tax Certainty Act NOW before the small business deduction expires in 2025!


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