
RGB’s write about you

RGB’s write about you

RGB’s write about you

Indie pop trio RGB have just released their new single “Write About You” from their upcoming sophomore album A Place For Lovers. To celebrate, we asked them to tell us a little about the song. Here’s the story:

“Write About You” was written early one morning when Roy was struggling with writer’s block, frustrated and doubting his ability to create something truly pop. But then, out of nowhere, the melody of the chorus popped into his head, reminding him that sometimes the best things happen when you least expect them. The song came together quickly, almost as if it was meant to be. Roy wrote the chorus and the first verse, and Noi helped finish the second verse.

At its core, “Write About You” is a love song. It’s about the reality of relationships – how despite all the arguments and hard times, love can always be found in each other’s arms. It’s a reminder that no matter how difficult things get, the love they share is strong enough to get them through. The song expresses the feeling of always coming back to the person you love, and how ultimately all the songs Roy writes are about them.

Musically, we wanted to capture that passion, but in a way that feels carefree and effortless – like those perfect summer days when everything just flows. The production is light, flirty and romantic, with a groove that makes you want to move. We added harmonies to give the track depth and keep the mood fresh and fun.

For the music video, we wanted to reflect that same energy. We played around with a green screen to create something super colorful and fun, and even added a bit of humor. In the end, we created a 5-second loop that’s all about capturing that mood of being in love and having fun with it – just like in the song itself.

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, you can listen and watch for yourself below and learn more here.

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Featured: RGBs write about you

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