
Her friends kept putting off a trip to Disney World, so her boyfriend surprised her with a dream vacation to the park. Now one of her friends is upset that she’s going without her. » TwistedSifter

Her friends kept putting off a trip to Disney World, so her boyfriend surprised her with a dream vacation to the park. Now one of her friends is upset that she’s going without her. » TwistedSifter

Her friends kept putting off a trip to Disney World, so her boyfriend surprised her with a dream vacation to the park. Now one of her friends is upset that she’s going without her. » TwistedSifterHer friends kept putting off a trip to Disney World, so her boyfriend surprised her with a dream vacation to the park. Now one of her friends is upset that she’s going without her. » TwistedSifter

We all have friends like that…

People who make plans and then let them fall through over and over again.

This is driving me crazy!

And the woman who wrote this story on Reddit finally got fed up with her friends and decided to take matters into her own hands.

Read her story below and tell us what you think.

“I, 27, woman, have wanted to go to Disney World for years.

I have only been there once in my entire life, when I was in middle school.

Now that I’m an adult, I want to go back and actually do all the things I want to do.

I shared these plans with two friends we’ll call M and K.

Background: M (32, female) is an enthusiastic Disney-goer, she goes there at least three times a year.

K (36F) has never been there and doesn’t care.

They had a plan…

Four years ago, the three of us decided to plan a girls’ trip to Disney together.

First, M enthusiastically gave advice based on her extensive knowledge of the Disney Parks.

However, finalizing the year proved to be a sticking point, especially given M’s previous family plans for each proposed year, which included a trip to Disney.

Whenever I joked about going alone, M insisted that I wait so we could all enjoy the trip together, and they finally agreed on early 2025.

There was another obstacle on the road…

K recently announced her pregnancy, which disrupted our plans as her due date coincided with our planned trip and required rescheduling.

But I was so happy to plan a baby shower for her that I was just a little disappointed.

When my 27-year-old friend found out about it, his first question was, “What about your girls’ trip?”

I told him it was canceled and didn’t talk about it anymore.

She was in for a surprise.

Little did I know that this would have pissed him off and he would have taken matters into his own hands.

Behind my back, he planned a week-long trip to Disney, including Universal Studios. For my birthday, he surprised me with a ToT lounge fly.

I’ve never talked about it, so I’m surprised he knows what it is.

And in the bag was the confirmation code for Disney World, plane tickets, and a note saying he would buy the Universal tickets when the rest of the worlds opened.

I was so excited when I told K and M.

K was really happy for me and asked a lot of questions about what we were going to do, wanted to see the bag he had bought me, etc., but M was visibly irritated.


Then she asked what happened to our girls’ trip.

I said that we had been talking about a trip for years and that we could still go when K felt more comfortable.

M thought it was stupid that I went without her, but K said that M goes to Disney three times a year and therefore it doesn’t matter that I go with my boyfriend.

M argued that she had to go because her family lived and worked in Florida. Eventually we just stopped talking about it and went our separate ways.

When I later talked to my family about it, my sister said I was an asshole because we’ve been talking about this girls’ trip for years and I was basically canceling it entirely to go with my boyfriend.

She also told me that I knew M would be upset if I went alone because she told me every time I joked about it.

And I admit that I may be the ******* in this regard.

K and my boyfriend say that I am NTA and M has been against it for years and that I should have left sooner since it was my idea in the first place.

“Is that ok?”

Reddit users spoke up.

This person said she was NTA.

Source: RedditSource: Reddit

Another person agreed.

Source: RedditSource: Reddit

This Reddit user chimed in.

Source: RedditSource: Reddit

Another person spoke up.

Source: RedditSource: Reddit

And this person had a lot to say about this story.

Source: RedditSource: Reddit

A trip to Disney World can only be postponed for so long…

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