


Aaj Se Ho Ja Razi
By Shahbano Alvi
Sang-e-Meel Publications
ISBN: 978-969-35-3493-1
136 pages.

First of all, I would like to say that I really enjoyed reading Aaj Se Ho Ja Razi by Shahbano Alvi. It is a slim book that contains 11 short stories and four portraits of the author’s favourite people.

Shahbano Alvi is a graduate of Kinnaird College and Punjab University, where she graduated in graphic design. In 1991, she founded the design department at Oxford University Press and 10 years later, Ushba, an independent publishing house.

With 30 years of experience in publishing, it’s no wonder Alvi wants to pursue her talent as an author. Although she has been a passionate reader since childhood and has been surrounded by books in one way or another her entire life, it was the unexpected death of her beloved husband and partner that prompted her to take up the pen. She says she finds catharsis through writing.

Her book of English short stories, A Woman and the Afternoon Sun, contains three stories that have received international acclaim. Although most of her professional experience has been in English, Alvi belongs to the generation of well-educated Pakistanis who are truly bilingual. This is evident in her ability to write in Urdu, which she does seemingly effortlessly, and she produces succinct stories that are quite accessible.

Alvi’s short stories are different from most Urdu Afsanays. The themes of her stories can be profound, but they are frank and written in simple Urdu. Angst, exaggeration and symbolism, which are common in Urdu Afsanays, are thankfully absent. The themes covered are familiar and the language used is simple, yet each story is impactful.

The first story in Aaj Se Ho Ja Razi is “Pyaas” (Thirst). Alvi begins it with a seemingly random question. The reader does not know who is asking the question or why. It is only at the end that the relevance of the question becomes clear. By this time, the reader has already been through a hectic shopping spree and is confronted with the stark contrast between rampant materialism and abject poverty.

The stories “Roshniyon Ka Sheher” (City of Lights) and the title story “Apnay Aaj Se Ho Ja Razi” (Be content with your today) deal with marital abuse. With calm composure, Alvi shows that even when wives choose to tolerate cruel husbands, their children’s psyches are left indelibly scarred by arguments and anger at home.

Family is a recurring theme in this collection of stories. In “Jaisay Sehraon Mein Chalay Baad-i-Naseem” (Like a gentle breeze blowing in the desert), a son gives up his love to fulfill his duty as a child. “Roshni Ke Saaey” (Shadow of Light) describes a woman who prefers a house full of in-laws and the controversies that come with it to an empty nest.

The Covid-19 pandemic prompted the writing of ‘Koel Ki Kook’ (The Cuckoo’s Song) and ‘Rollercoaster’. During the lockdown, simple activities like cooking and photography took on a whole new meaning. With time given to examine closely, many appearances were found to be deceptive. Life itself became something observed rather than lived. These stories bring back memories of the global Covid captivity that now seems surreal.

The stories titled “Ghulam Qadir” and “Bikhri Zindagi” (The Scattered Life) touch the reader’s soul. People who deviate from the norm, be it because of their sexual orientation, their weakness and lack of support, or because they are ignorant of the world’s pitfalls, are heartlessly exploited. Here, too, the plight of these victims is brilliantly brought to the forefront without unnecessary drama and in extremely clear terms.

Shahbano Alvi’s stories are no longer than a few pages. In her unobtrusive way, the author spins the stories without making a big splash, yet still makes the reader rethink scenarios that are usually taken for granted. All 11 stories can be read in a few hours, but their impact lasts a long time.

Even better than the stories are the four Khaakay or portraits of the author’s two grandmothers and the writers Aamer Hussein, Hasina Moeen and Zahida Hina.

The images of the two grandmothers are masterful. They are very different in their personalities, but they live in the same era. Their love of fragrant flowers, the use of safety pins to make flower brooches, the importance of niyaz on supposed holidays – all these are reminiscent of a time that is now shrouded in the mists of time. What is most interestingly portrayed is the way their marriages were arranged and how they managed to lead fulfilling lives in unfamiliar surroundings.

Shahbano Alvi’s affection, respect and camaraderie for her fellow writers are endearingly evident in the next three sketches. Aamer Hussein is portrayed as a friend and client of her publishing house, but above all as a mentor. His encouragement gives Alvi the impetus to turn her talents from editing and publishing to writing… in English and Urdu. It is logical, then, that Aamer Hussein accepted the invitation to write the foreword for Aaj Se Ho Ja Razi.

The late playwright Hasina Moeen is portrayed as an older friend whose non-judgmental approach to life and unbridled warmth made Alvi her follower. The author’s relationship with writer Zahida Hina, on the other hand, develops into a close friendship. Alvi understands her and can see how the various aspects of her life, especially her father’s aspirations for her, influenced Zahida. Understanding creates intimacy and a strong bond develops between the two.

Shahbano Alvi writes as if she were narrating the events orally. She does not feel the need to boast of abstruse Urdu vocabulary. Yet the language used is neither childish nor irrelevant. It is spontaneous and fresh. The stories unfold smoothly and are a pleasure to read.

It is said that Aamer Hussein advised the aspiring author to keep writing. We hope Alvi follows his advice.

The reviewer is a freelance writer, author of the novel The Tea Trolley and translator of Toofan Se Pehlay: Safar-i-Europe Ki Diary

Published in Dawn, Books & Authors, August 11, 2024

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