
“Stop supplying arms to Taiwan and supporting the Philippines”

“Stop supplying arms to Taiwan and supporting the Philippines”

The United States must stop supplying arms to Taiwan and stop supporting Philippine actions in the South China Sea, the Chinese Foreign Minister made clear. Wang Yito the National Security Advisor of the United States, Jake Sullivan, during the second day of talks in Beijing. According to the report on the meeting, which was obtained by the Chinese state news agency Xinhua, Wang acknowledged that relations between China and the United States have experienced “ups and downs” recently, but also stressed that these have produced “experiences and lessons” that “can help find the right way to get along with each other”. However, this is provided that diplomatic relations between the two superpowers are based on “respect for China’s territorial integrity and sovereignty, its political system and development path, and its legitimate right to development”. “We should build more bridges and open more avenues for exchanges between the two peoples, instead of erecting obstacles,” said the head of Beijing’s diplomacy, who said that China and the United States must “understand each other properly” in order to achieve “peaceful coexistence”. Internally, he explained, China is “committed to improving the lives of its people,” while externally it wants to “contribute to world peace and development.” “The United States should not speculate on the basis of China’s own path, nor use the model of a strong country that wants to dominate others to define China,” Wang stressed.

The minister explained to Sullivan “the spirit of the third plenary session” of the Communist Party Central Committee, which was defined as “an important milestone for China’s opening up and reform” and which could offer “a new perspective for understanding” the country from the outside. Then the most important steps. Taiwan, Wang reiterated, “belongs to China”, which will “definitely” be unified. The island’s independence is “the biggest risk to peace and stability” in the Strait, and the United States should fulfill its commitment not to support Taiwan’s independence, to adhere to the one-China principle, to stop arming Taiwan and to support “peaceful reunification”.

Likewise, Wang said, “China firmly defends its territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests in the South China Sea islands.” The US, Wang said, “must not use its bilateral treaties as a pretext to threaten China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity” and “must not support or abet the Philippines’ violations.” According to Wang, “the security” of some countries cannot be guaranteed “at the expense of the security of others.” “National security needs have clear boundaries, especially in the economic field, which must be scientifically defined. The US must stop suppressing China in economy, trade, science and technology, and stop undermining its legitimate interests. Using ‘excess capacity’ as a pretext for protectionism will only harm green development and global economic growth.”

Sullivan, again following the Chinese side, stated that the United States has “no intention” of breaking off economic relations with China and reiterated its commitment to the one-China “policy”. The US, he said, does not support “Taiwan independence”, “two Chinas”, or “one China, one Taiwan”. The US and China, the White House national security adviser recalled, have coexisted peacefully on this planet for a long time and Washington’s goal is to find a way to make this relationship sustainable by continuing to maintain open and strategic communication channels and strengthening “mutual understanding” to avoid “misunderstandings and misjudgments”.

The two exchanged dossiers on Ukraine, the Middle East and the Korean Peninsula. According to Wang, “China remains committed to promoting peace and dialogue and pushing for a political solution to the Ukraine crisis.” For its part, the United States should not “evade its responsibilities.” Wang and Sullivan ultimately agreed to continue implementing the agreements reached between the presidents in San Francisco last year. Xi Jinping t Joe Biden and to maintain “exchange and communication at all levels” and to continue to cooperate in controlling drug trafficking, combating crime, repatriating illegal immigrants and fighting climate change. A video link between the commanders-in-chief of the armed forces and a second round of talks on artificial intelligence were also agreed.

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