
State poet leads library events | Select

State poet leads library events | Select

State Poet Laureate Matt Mason is coming to the Norfolk Public Library on Tuesday, August 27. He will lead a poetry writing class for teens and adults in the afternoon, followed by a performance of his work in the early evening.

Mason has taught writing all over the world, from Nepal to Nebraska. His workshop is for anyone interested in writing poetry – no previous experience necessary. Bring a pen and paper and learn how to write poems about the things in your life. The writing workshop is free and no registration is required. The workshop will be held from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

At 6:30 p.m., Mason will give a talk and perform. His work can be found in hundreds of publications, including Poet Lore and Prairie Schooner. He has written five books of poetry that address topics familiar to many Nebraskans: fatherhood, 1980s rock music, Nebraska and more. He views poetry as enlightening and entertaining. This will be a dynamic experience for all. The hour-long performance is free and no registration is required.

Humanities Nebraska provides significant funding for this program and allows residents of Northeast Nebraska to enjoy the arts for free. Please take advantage of these creative and inspiring opportunities offered to our community.

The title of Nebraska State Poet is given to a Nebraska poet who demonstrates great talent and achievement. Poets can be nominated by anyone. The state selection committee, composed of established representatives of Nebraska’s literary, cultural and educational communities, selects the finalists. The final decision is made by the governor.

The position of Poet Laureate is for five years and is designed to promote poetry and literature throughout Nebraska. Poets Laureate give lectures, lead workshops and engage in outreach in libraries, schools and other institutions. Mason’s term ends in December.

For more information about the Nebraska State Poets Program, visit the Humanities Nebraska website at

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