
Anti-war community members put arms embargo at the top of voting list – edhat

Anti-war community members put arms embargo at the top of voting list – edhat

From Not Another Bomb, Santa Barbara

More than 60 community members gathered for a rally outside City Hall to join a larger national movement calling on Vice President Kamala Harris to impose an arms embargo on the Israeli government.

Among the participants was a woman who had traveled from Bakersfield. Before learning of the action in Santa Barbara, she had planned to travel north to the Bay Area, determined to participate in the national “Not Another Bomb” day of action. Her decision to take action was based on her personal experience living in Bethlehem in the 1990s and witnessing the occupation and militarization by the Israeli government. Representatives from Jewish Voice for Peace and the Central Coast Antiwar Coalition were also in attendance, engaging the crowd with profound speeches before starting the march down State Street. Several spectators joined the procession as the crowd marched through Lower State toward the wharf.

“Democratic voters are tired of hearing empty promises about ending genocide,” says Reeves Erickson. “The platform must take meaningful action by imposing an arms embargo on Israel that is saving lives now. A ceasefire is what the majority of Democrats and the majority of Americans want.”

For ten months, people around the world have witnessed atrocities in Gaza, largely funded by weapons supplied by the United States to the Israeli government. Vice President Harris herself has called the events in Gaza “horrific.” Together, we call on Vice President Harris to listen to the Uncommitted National Movement and join a global community that stands against the Israeli government’s war crimes against humanity. We are seeking real solutions to stop the bombing of Palestinians.

Over 50 years ago, Santa Barbara was the breeding ground for the modern environmental movement following a massive oil spill off the coast. Community members came together to raise their voices against the death and destruction they were witnessing before their eyes. On Sunday, community members again stood together in solidarity to demand an end to the death and destruction.

Rally (courtesy)

For more information about the Not Another Bomb campaign and to get involved, visit Follow @uncommittedmvmt on all social media channels to stay up to date with current events and important moments.

Opinion posts are written by community members and not by representatives of edhat. The views and opinions expressed in opinion posts are those of the author.
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