
Funny video imagines Fallout 4 as a sitcom

Funny video imagines Fallout 4 as a sitcom


  • A Fallout 4 fan has created a sitcom version of the game, adding a humorous touch to the game’s post-apocalyptic world.
  • The fan-made show “Nuclear Family” features unrelated scenes with classic Fallout 4 characters and a laugh track.
  • While the Fallout games have already been adapted into a show thanks to the Amazon Prime series, this fan creation offers a fun, comedic twist.

One Fallout4 Fan has thrown together a few scenes from the game, added a few extra elements and turned the game into a sitcom. While some elements of Fallout4 found its way into the Amazon Prime Video series that premiered earlier this year, this new version of a Stand out The TV show focuses much more on the comedic side of post-apocalyptic American culture.

Stand out Gaming has made a big comeback thanks to the Amazon Prime show, and even the older games in the series saw more players after premiering in April. This new fan-made show probably won’t generate the same level of widespread interest in the games, but it’s a fun change of pace for fans of the series.


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Nine years after the game’s initial release, an online Fallout 4 player notices a hidden detail in one of Diamond City’s shops.

In the new video posted on Reddit by user PosseParty, the fake show called Nuclear Family is actually a collection of four incongruous scenes that do not seem to be connected by a single narrative thread. Rather, the creator relies on conversations with classic Fallout4 Characters like Codsworth, Piper and Kellogg, with laugh tracks and appropriately timed long silences after particularly well-placed witty remarks from the dialogue options. Add to that the added effects of exterior shots between scenes, backed by a variety of instrumental music pieces that could have filled the sitcom world from the 1950s to the 1990s, and the synth-heavy opening sequence, which takes up about a quarter of the nearly four-minute video’s running time, feels like it came straight out of the early ’80s.

Fallout 4 fan turns the game into a sitcom

But Stand out Games are as much about action-packed combat as they are about deep, narrative stories, and this amateur show producer has made sure to add a dash of comedy to the violence as well. In the opening scene, the game’s two protagonists, who use their default names Nate and Nora, talk about a visit to the park. After Nate asks, “Will it be like the night in the park a year ago?”, a flashback shows him in his underwear, Fallout4 The super mutant Behemoth Swan, who lives in a pond and wears armor from an abandoned swan boat before being hit by a flying boulder and collapsing.

Stand out Fans who prefer to sit back and watch rather than play the games are in luck, as Amazon confirmed that there is a Stand out Season 2 just a week after the show launched. As for Nuclear Family, it’s unclear if fans will see more of it or if it was just a one-off gag, but it ends with an ominous “To be continued…” in the bottom right corner of the screen, so it seems like that’s up to the creator’s whims.

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