
How a community in York came together to build – and then save

How a community in York came together to build – and then save

READERS have shared fond memories of the New Earswick swimming pool.

The swimming pool has been in the news because plans have been submitted to upgrade the facility, which include building a first floor extension, constructing new locker rooms, and installing solar panels on the roof.

More than 30 people have written to the council to support the plan.

In fact, the local community had to stand behind the swimming pool when it was threatened with closure.

The pool is now run by the non-profit organisation Friends of New Earswick Swimming Pool (FoNESP), which is raising £250,000 to replace faulty boilers, repair a leaky roof and upgrade the changing rooms.

The swimming pool was opened in 1967 by the Rowntree Trust with support from the local community.

Press clipping about the new swimming pool in New Earswick

Children were asked to donate half a crown and villagers participated in a “buy a brick” program to help finance the project.

Readers’ memories

Readers have shared their memories in our nostalgia group on Facebook: “Why we love York – memories”.

David Wreglesworth wrote: “To build this the village had to raise a huge donation. Along with other lads from our street we sold firewood to raise money. I can tell you there wasn’t a field for miles with wooden posts still standing and some parents came home to find the furniture was gone.

“We spent hours chopping and sawing everything until it was small enough to cut into kindling size. Our success was so great that the local shop owner showed up at school and complained about his loss of sales.

“The headmaster – Mr. Albert Hall (yes, really!) – told us that we must abandon our efforts. We had amassed a small fortune and the goal had been achieved. Sadly, we moved away from the village and never set foot in it!”

Gill Lumley-Holmes was another fundraiser: “I spent my whole time at Joseph Rowntree’s raising money for this swimming pool and then I left so I never went in!”

Wendy Johnson wrote: “I also helped raise money (remember the caramels in the cake tins?). I managed to swim in the pool and my kids learned to swim there. Josh (my youngest)’s dad was a swim coach there (Brian Pexton).”

Sean McCartney is one of many people in York who have enjoyed the pool. “I loved the pool and as I use it both for school and in my spare time, I’m well prepared to save loads of rubber bricks (as long as I’m in my pyjamas)!”

Today, the pool is frequently used by the municipality and rented out to various swimming schools and clubs. The pool is thus building on a successful campaign that kept it open despite the threat of closure.

FLASHBACK: Gill Barker, committee member of New Earswick Swimming Club, with a petition against its closure. Image: Frank Dwyer.

Future of the pool

The design and access statement of the planning application to councillors states that FoNESP must have its plan approved so that it can “maintain the swimming pool services to the community”.

The full application (ref.: 24/01298/FUL) can be found at:

Further public notices can be found daily in the press and online at:

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