
“Wolf of Wall Street” is a “hypnotic ride” on a “giant ship of greed”

“Wolf of Wall Street” is a “hypnotic ride” on a “giant ship of greed”

DiCaprio: “The Wolf of Wall Street” is a “hypnotic ride” on a “giant ship of greed”

While Jordan Belfort’s swindle in the late 1980s had real-world consequences, Martin Scorsese’s upcoming satirical drama The Wolf of Wall Street focuses on the greed and excesses that led to the stock market fraudster’s downfall rather than on those who fell victim to his actions.

In an interview with Daily News, star Leonardo DiCaprio revealed that the film will focus on the “underworld mentality” of Wall Street and tell a story in the style of Scorsese’s previous films “Goodfellas” and “Casino.”

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“We wanted to create the feeling of a modern Roman Empire,” he said. “We wanted the film to convey the feeling that everyone gives in to every temptation, except for the girls who put grapes in our mouths.”

“We intentionally did not show (Belfort’s) victims. We wanted the film to be a hypnotic journey for the audience, so that they get lost in this world and do not see the destruction that this huge ship of greed leaves behind.”

The actor further revealed that Belfort, who was convicted of fraud and served 22 months in a federal prison, was OK with having his shameful deeds shown in all their ugly glory on the big screen.

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“He said to me early on, ‘If you’re going to portray me, let me be even more open with you than what’s in the book.’ We all know, and he knows, that we’re portraying the darker side of his nature.

“What he did was regrettable, but I respect anyone who speaks openly about their mistakes. He is no longer who he was.”

To prepare for his role as a con artist, DiCaprio spent some time on the trading floor of the New York Stock Exchange – an experience that showed him how people in such positions can succumb to temptation.

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“There are a lot of responsible people in this job,” he said. “But you can see how excesses can get out of hand.”

“This attitude is not unique to Wall Street – it’s part of human nature. There are people in Hollywood who are manipulative and obsessed with wealth. It’s everywhere where there’s power.”

“The Wolf of Wall Street” will be in theaters on January 17, 2014.

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