
Gilchrist says he wants Yoopers to know he understands them | News, Sports, Jobs

Gilchrist says he wants Yoopers to know he understands them | News, Sports, Jobs

Lieutenant Governor Garlin Gilchrist II

ESCANABA – Lieutenant Governor Garlin Gilchrist II headed to Escanaba for the 2024 UP State Fair. Governor Gretchen Whitmer was originally scheduled to attend, but was unable to attend due to a scheduling conflict.

“I am happy that today is Lieutenant Governor’s Day. I am happy to be able to attend the UP State Fair for the first time,” Said Gilchrist.

He visited the DNR Pocket Park and even caught his first fish. He then spoke at the Veteran of the Year ceremony before attending the Lieutenant Governor’s Luncheon in the fair’s activities tent. He said that after the fair, he plans to visit Marquette before returning to the south of the state.

He spoke about the importance of visiting the UP and said he wanted to show the Yoopers that he understood them.

“I spend a lot of time on the Upper Peninsula, I come here three or four times a year for several days,” Said Gilchrist.

“For me, it’s about showing people that I understand how important the UP is to the present and future of the state of Michigan.”

He said when he’s here, he makes a point to visit local entrepreneurs and businesses. He visited the newly opened Motis Brands location in Escanaba and said he was impressed with the business activity.

He also highlighted the policies he was involved in during his tenure as governor. He praised the “Securing the future of MI” Plan, which has created nearly 600 new child care spots with the opening of several child care facilities in the UP. He also pointed to the free breakfast and free lunch program, which was announced to continue in the 2024-2025 school year.

“I came and served lunch when I was here in the spring and talked to children – children ask me more about my size than about food,” Gilchrist joked.

He also spoke about the importance of Michigan residents having access to safety and happiness.

“This is again about economic opportunity, about possibility, about the fact that everyone in the UP deserves access to a dream of health and prosperity. I want people to know that I am committed to making this happen and working with them to make it happen.” he said.

He spoke about the upcoming election and what his party is doing to win the state for Vice President Kamala Harris.

“She (Harris) is someone who has visited our state more times than any vice president has in a four-year period in at least 40 or 50 years. (That) shows how much she cares about the people of Michigan and our future.” Gilchrist said, adding that he believes Harris is the right person to lead the country because of her attention to Michigan.

“We’re working really hard to make sure that she and the other Democrats across the ballot, whether it’s Congresswoman Elissa Slotkin, who’s running for our next U.S. Senator – Democrats, you know, Jen Hill here in the Upper Peninsula in the State House, but Democrats across the state to protect and grow the majority in the House. That’s a majority in the House that’s voting for opportunity in the Upper Peninsula.” he said.

He spoke about the current House delegation in Uttar Pradesh and said it has not supported budgets that help parents with child care, school feeding and other needs.

“We’re going to tell that story and show that contrast. So that people know that the people they’re voting for have to vote for their future and that, unfortunately, the Republicans in this delegation at the House level have not done that consistently, but the Democrats have.” Said Gilchrist.

He also has a message for the state’s voters who have not yet decided who they will vote for in the presidential election.

“I think this election is an opportunity to make a decision that is, frankly, quite clear and quite stark,” he said.

“My message is that you should think about the ambitions, goals and hopes that you, your children and your family have, and that you want UP to be a place where people can grow up, be healthy, get a good education, lay the foundation for the future and build that future in Michigan as well.”

He said he believed the Democrats were the path to success because they had the vision needed.

“I think the Democrats have a clear vision on this, and that’s why I would ask them to consider voting for a Democrat at every opportunity.” Said Gilchrist.

He spoke about economic development in the UP and said his office is working with Invest UP on a revitalization and placemaking program.

“In my view, we are investing in the present and future of the communities on the Upper Peninsula,” he said. Gilchrist also highlighted the Michigan Guarantee, which gives graduates of Michigan high schools the opportunity to earn an associate degree or certificate of proficiency tuition-free at a community college in the district.

“This is exciting. These are people who are going to have a new degree that will help them make more money in their first job or their next job. And I think that will make a difference to the economic reality of the Upper Peninsula.” he said.

When asked about his plans for the period after Governor Whitmer’s term ends, Gilchrist focused more on the current term.

“I will not announce any news about this today, but perhaps I will announce news early next year. However, I think the most important thing is the task ahead of us,” he said.

He said that decisions had to be made that would affect the future development of the state.

“It is important that we focus on laying the foundation for more people in more places in more parts of Michigan to live healthier lives and have more economic freedom and opportunity,” he said.

Gilchrist said he wants Yoopers to know he spends time in the UP, and he makes sure to stop by at least three or four times a year.

“I come more often than any other elected official at the state level. I come to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan because I care about listening to people and understanding them and meeting them where they are to build real relationships.” he said.

He added that these relationships do not always mean a guaranteed vote in his favor, but that is not the point.

“These relationships don’t necessarily lead to someone voting for governor, but they solve problems and give me a better understanding of how I can serve them,” Said Gilchrist.

Gilchrist is expected to visit Marquette before returning to the south of the state.

“Have fun at the fair!” Said Gilchrist.

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