
Problems with meditation? Mindful writing could help

Problems with meditation? Mindful writing could help

Photo by Unseen Studio on Unsplash

Source: Photo by Unseen Studio on Unsplash

Meditation is hard. It’s hard to develop a routine. It’s hard to let go of the expectation that you “should” be focused and quiet when meditating. It’s even hard not to fall asleep when meditating! While there’s no secret trick to making meditation easier, I’ve recently been experimenting with another technique that I’ve found helpful: writing meditation.

The writing meditation I’m referring to is not journaling or creative writing, although the result looks a little like poetry. It’s an open mindfulness exercise done randomly on paper. Here are the steps I take:

  1. Take a blank sheet of paper and a pen
  2. Write down every thought that comes to mind

That’s it!

However, I think an example might clarify this. Here is a writing meditation I did recently:


Through my nose

From my mouth

Pressure around my eyes

Feel the pen in my hand

Sounds of a bird outside

I notice the breath in my chest



Am I doing this right?

Sounds of passing cars

I want it to be quiet


Sensations of my feet on the ground

Sounds of crickets

Pressure around the eyes again

Will I get sick?

Back to the breath


My chest rises and falls with my breath

Thoughts move faster than my fingers

Feel the pen in my hand

Is this a good place to stop?

I’m going to pack up now

This is just a quick example, but you can see that I was aware of physical sensations (the breath in different parts of my body, the feeling of the pen in my hands, my feet on the ground), sounds (birds, cars, crickets), as well as thoughts (“Am I getting sick?”, “My mind is moving faster than my fingers,” “I want it to be quiet”) and emotions (“frustration”).

The exercise helped me get into a meditative state and was more focused than if I had tried to take it all in while just sitting there meditating, when I could easily get lost in a whirlwind of thoughts.

I have been using this technique for several years and am surprised it is not used more often. Have you tried this type of meditation before? Where did you learn it? Try it yourself and let me know how it goes!

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