
The media’s reinterpretation of Harris is shamelessly submissive

The media’s reinterpretation of Harris is shamelessly submissive

“The soundtrack was reminiscent of a Beyoncé concert.”

This is the first line of the laudatory portrait of Vice President Kamala Harris in Time Magazine, entitled “Her Hope” or, in the online version, “Reintroducing Kamala Harris.”

The magazine’s cover featured a glorified image of Harris, reminiscent of posters of future President Barack Obama from 2008.

You don’t really need to read the article—unless you want to lose your lunch—but one hilarious line is worth mentioning. Halfway through the profile, Time noted that Harris declined the interview request.

Even in the friendliest media environments, Harris is still unwilling to come down from her clouds and field questions, a remarkable attitude for someone trying to become president by stepping in at the last second.

This is not a “reintroduction” of Harris, but a repositioning. It is an almost entirely fabricated portrayal of a presidential candidate whose strategy seems to be to maintain a royal distance from politics and policymaking.

After years of repeating the left’s exaggerated lie about the end of democracy, the media is now pulling out all the stops to ensure that Harris – who was simply elected by her predecessor and the Democratic Party elites without facing a single voter – is crowned the next President of the United States.

“Long live Queen Kamala, first of her name,” is what we are supposed to accept.

And to do that, we are being bombarded with a barrage of positive, uncritical stories about how Harris is bringing “joy” back to America, how magical, even spectacular, she is, and how great a politician she is this country has ever seen.

And this despite the fact that she was recently described as one of the worst candidates of all time. Her 2019 presidential campaign was a disaster. She was deeply unlikable, a terrible campaigner and was eliminated early in the Democratic primaries despite enormous advantages.

What a difference a month makes.

Harris will receive all the benefits of an incumbent, while all the failings of the Biden administration will be erased. In some cases, her direct failures have been wiped from the record, Soviet-style.

While Time magazine’s drooling, rapturous ode to the Democratic Party’s likely presidential nominee may have hit rock bottom in the American Pravda genre, the rest of the media landscape isn’t far behind.

She also receives glamorous cover portraits in other media.

The media honeymoon will probably last forever.

Has this candidate been asked about her policies?

Ha! What policies? Ignore what you’ve heard about her having the most liberal record in the Senate. She has a certain charisma.

Did Harris have to answer to the supporters of the Democratic Party?

Not at all.

Despite the left clamoring about how unfair the Electoral College is and how it undermines true democracy, the Democratic Party has somehow managed to pull off the most undemocratic presidential nomination process in generations.

Has Harris been vetted in any way for the office of president?


Harris has not given a single interview with the press since President Joe Biden dropped out of the race, and our noble defenders of the First Amendment and a free press seem to think that’s perfectly fine.

Oh, apparently she’s had some media members travel with her and ask them confidential questions. They’ll get Harris’ answers through her on their behalf.

The level of unconditional admiration for Harris by the elite media is no less than, and in some ways even surpasses, her treatment of Obama.

When then-Senator Obama ran for president, the media had little interest in delving into his past beyond the carefully crafted stories he wanted to tell.

This worked in 2008 with the “Hope and Change” campaign, which ultimately catapulted him into the White House.

We are witnessing a new edition of “Hope and Change”, but under even more absurd circumstances and with a politician who apparently has none of Obama’s political talent.

Most Americans are deeply dissatisfied with the direction the Biden administration has taken the country. From the economy to immigration to the worsening international situation, there are many areas where the American people agree that we are heading in the wrong direction as a country.

And I would argue that there are many even more troubling aspects of the Biden administration. It has attempted to impose “diversity, equity, and inclusion” and gender reassignment initiatives on the entire country. But most troubling is that the Biden administration has clearly and aggressively used the federal government as a weapon against domestic adversaries.

Harris was in the White House when all this happened. She is not the outspoken outsider that Obama was portrayed to be. And yet that is exactly what they would have you believe.

Whether this strategy succeeds or fails, one thing has certainly come to light through all of this, if it hasn’t already done so in the last decade.

Most media outlets seem to have given up any interest in finding out the truth or informing the population so that they can decide who should lead the country and who should not.

It’s all about creating narratives, manipulating the American people when truth gets in the way of useful fiction, and manipulating information and events to secure power for one side of the political spectrum.

The fact that large parts of the media today act so blatantly in this way is a testament to the power they believe they have over society, and perhaps also to their hubris in believing that most Americans will not see through it.

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